I've been hanging to see how the new season was going to go. And man, wow! My mind's buzzing with the possibilities already. It's so good to catch up with Dean and Sam. And of course, when Bobby's around, it's that much better too. :) I really like where they're going. I've always been fascinated with Angels and Demons. I've explored it in several of my own stories (this is one). Anyway, I'm liking the angel angle and can't wait to see why they need Dean. Although I have a theory that includes the two brothers now sitting on the opposite side of the spectrum. ;)
Monday, 29 September 2008
TV Weekend
I've been hanging to see how the new season was going to go. And man, wow! My mind's buzzing with the possibilities already. It's so good to catch up with Dean and Sam. And of course, when Bobby's around, it's that much better too. :) I really like where they're going. I've always been fascinated with Angels and Demons. I've explored it in several of my own stories (this is one). Anyway, I'm liking the angel angle and can't wait to see why they need Dean. Although I have a theory that includes the two brothers now sitting on the opposite side of the spectrum. ;)
Friday, 26 September 2008
You know what day it is!
Monday, 22 September 2008
Sometimes, not so Fabulous!
I mean, it was so obvious that she never really loved Aidan. I'm pretty sure that she loved the idea of him more than the actual man. With a good dose of guilt for what she did to him, too. Yet, in the end she says yes because the ring was nice.
She can be so annoying sometimes. They all can. But you know, that's what I LOVED about SEX AND THE CITY. That we have four seemingly average hardworking women, with many flaws. Most of the time they don't even know what they want. And when they do get what they think they want, it's not what they imagined. Or not really what they were after.
Friday, 19 September 2008
I'm glad it's almost the weekend!
I almost freaked, but somehow managed to stay calm. If I don't, I start getting dizzy and venture into anxiety attack territory. Not a nice place to be, so I handled it well by sitting up for a while and just watching some TV while I waited for my husband to get home. In the end, by the time I fell asleep, I was fine. I'm glad about that, thought it might make it hard for me to sleep through the night.
I woke up all clogged up and ventured out today to get AZEP. It seems to be the only instant relief spray I can get my hands on. It clears my nasal passage and I feel better almost right away. Of course, I'm still taking the prescription spray three times a week, too. :/ I was pretty good during winter, so it looks like spring's the worst time for it. Even though, it's not allergies. Very, very strange.
Anyway. We are now on the last disk of the third season of SEX AND THE CITY. We're now up to Aidan. Ah. The guy Carrie should've ended up with, if she ever got over Big. I really disliked Carrie around this time, and I have a feeling the hubby will feel the same. He already got pissed off with her about how she handled her Big neurosis. ;)
Okay, no writing yet today, but I did get here yesterday:
Wednesday, 17 September 2008
Enjoying SatC a second time
Monday, 15 September 2008
Feelin' good
Sunday, 14 September 2008

You know, I wasn't planning to read this in one sitting, but that's exactly what I did. I picked it up off the shelf to check out the beginning and two hours later, I'd finished it. Oh, but I can't leave out that several tears were shed during the reading of this book because I was laughing so hard. :D
Take Stephanie, Lula, Connie and Grandma Mazur, throw in a good dose of Diesel and a little guy who thinks he's a leprechaun and you've got a hilariously wild ride that takes us to Atlantic City. There's also a horse in trouble, who presents some very funny situations.
My gosh, this was a fantastic read. I LOVED it!
Saturday, 13 September 2008

Dickie Orr. Stephanie was married to him for about fifteen minutes before she caught him cheating on her with her arch-nemesis Joyce Barnhardt. Another fifteen minutes after that Stephanie filed for divorce, hoping to never see either one of them again.
Doing favors for super bounty hunter Carlos Manoso (a.k.a. Ranger). Ranger needs her to meet with Dickie and find out if he's doing something shady. Turns out, he is. Turns out, he's also back to doing Joyce Barnhardt. And it turns out Ranger's favors always come with a price...
Going completely nutso while doing the favor for Ranger, and trying to apply bodily injury to Dickie in front of the entire office. Now Dickie has disappeared and Stephanie is the natural suspect in his disappearance. Is Dickie dead? Can he be found? And can Stephanie Plum stay one step ahead in this new, dangerous game? Joe Morelli, the hottest cop in Trenton, NJ is also keeping Stephanie on her toes-and he may know more than he's saying about many things in Stephanie's life. It's a cat-and-mouse game for Stephanie Plum, where the ultimate prize might be her life.
Obviously, this is Stephanie Plum's thirteenth adventure, and what a fun ride it was. There were some very typical Stephanie antics and a lot of action, as well as hilarious situations and conversations. I love all of these characters. They totally rock!
Man, this series never gets old. I'm still loving every installment and can't wait to read what's next for Stephanie. Still totally love Morelli and Ranger, too.
Friday, 12 September 2008
Yay! The weekend's almost here
Still, I wrote a very exciting scene, smack-bang in the center of the novel! Yay. I'm very excited about how it played out but can't wait to read it back because I know I've left off a bunch of details. There was so much to capture because not only is it a vital scene for the heroine, but also for another one (of the two other) character(s) involved. Phew. All I wanted to do was get everything that was flashing inside my head onto the screen before anything faded. I think I managed that, so it's all cool.
Wednesday, 10 September 2008
Taking a (small) break...
You know, I've been enjoying this week so far. The hubby has been going into work earlier, which means he's home earlier, and that rocks! It's also made me realise just how much I prefer to write during the day. I don't know why, but night writing seems a little harder. Strange, but true.
Monday, 8 September 2008
Week 2 of my first draft...
Sunday, 7 September 2008

Lives are at stake, goblins are threatening to sue, mages are getting greedier, and the stone's power is getting stronger by the hour. This could get ugly.
Wow. It didn't disappoint, that's for sure. I love Raine's voice. It's so casual and witty. She's very stubborn too, even if she knows that a situation might be a little too hard for her to deal with, she's willing to do whatever she can. I have to say that I really enjoyed my stay in the Isle of Mid, even if a bunch of not-so-great things were happening to our heroine and others.
And you know what else? It's just SO much fun! I simply LOVED it and now can't wait for the next adventure. Oh, and did I mention the two possible guys for Raine are simply delish? Tam or Mychael... which one will she ultimately end up with? It's such a hard choice, because... well, they both sound great. ;)
Lisa's created a refreshing fantasy world with awesome characters. If you haven't read this series yet, you should.
Wednesday, 3 September 2008
Mid-week post ;)
Monday, 1 September 2008
WALL-E rocked!
Anyway. I'm going to stop now. I'll just concentrate on how wonderful the movie was. Although, I think every politician and corporation should be forced to watch this. :) And wasn't it fun? Yeah, it was.