Josie Schuller is a 1960s housewife and mother. She’s also a damned good assassin. Balancing both lives isn't easy, especially with a nosy MIL constantly watching. But she manages to take care of everything, even her pesky handler. But when the tables are turned, everything gets extra bloody...
This is was great! I always enjoy a story that tears down the crappy ladylike BS always pushed on women. And it especially works with this comic book because Josie lives in a time where women are seen as weak. Even her husband, who comes across like a bit of an oblivious fool, doesn't think highly of women's role in society. Which makes it so much more hilarious and awesome. LOL.
The artwork is also really nice.
Yeah. I'm a fan. So I'll definitely be reading more. :)

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
After really enjoying the first volume of this series, I was looking forward to reading more...
Josie's decided to start her own business, and the story starts after a Tupperware party. LMFAO. Of course, going solo also means more cleaning up and attention to detail. But Josie can manage. She is a housewife with a clueless husband.
The family has now moved to Cocoa Beach, Florida, but it's business as usual and dealing with an even crabbier MIL...
This was so gory! I love it. It's like Dexter meets The Stepford Wives featuring a kick-ass chick.
The way everyday sexism is presented but clearly doesn't at all apply to Josie is perfect. The men are clueless to her strength and cunning and treat her like a delicate trophy, but she doesn't care. She rises above all that because she's got a job to do.
Oh, and the business tips were handy, too.
I'm loving this!

For such a short issue, this sure packed a lot of stuff into its pages!
Just when Josie's gotten used to working alone, Irving decides to pop in. She hasn't seen him since the gorefest at the Seattle World's Fair. Now the old guy wants to work together. He offers to dispose of the bodies, and she accepts. But that's not all. Some assassins union guy is also bugging her, and her husband's super creepy boss makes another appearance...
Another solid instalment! I'm really enjoying this series. It's colourful and bloody and funny. Yep.
Josie is so kick-ass and has everything under control. Plus she's very stylish, and certainly not afraid to get her hands dirty. Although I think the girls are a bit of a handful sometimes. LOL.
Can't wait to see what happens next.

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This psychedelic cover is SO COOL!
Man, this partnership with Irving is getting problematic. The old guy keeps showing up at her house and is taking advantage of the Uncle Irving BS they made up. Not to mention that the MIL's flashback was super disturbing and awesome and repulsive at the same time. Yikes.
Besides, he's really starting to creep me out. :/
I really enjoyed this issue! The artwork is just so pretty. Even the gory murder scenes are depicted in such an artistic way that they're nice to look at.
That ending was nuts, BTW.

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
OMG. That final page with Josie & Mother Schuller is stunning. I mean, of course it's visually beautiful, but to have two strong women with so many secrets framed like that... man, it's powerful.
So much bad stuff happens in this issue. Stuff that really pissed me off because this fucking Irving asshole hasn't just screwed things up for Gene, but he's so obviously trying to screw Josie over. This partnership seems like a worse idea by the issue. :/
And I don't think Josie's going to take this shit. Not when her family's at risk and her super secret could be uncovered by any sort of investigation.
Anyway. As you can probably tell, I'm totally invested in this series and now have to wait months to find out what happens next...
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