
Wednesday, 10 September 2008

Taking a (small) break...

... because my lappy was running out of juice. I think 30 minutes on charge should do it. Just enough time to post over here and do the dishes.

Not too far from today's goal. Hoping to cross the 32k mark before heading out to get my daughter.

You know, I've been enjoying this week so far. The hubby has been going into work earlier, which means he's home earlier, and that rocks! It's also made me realise just how much I prefer to write during the day. I don't know why, but night writing seems a little harder. Strange, but true.

Anyway, this is where I stopped:

Also, I'm a total pantser and although I have a pretty good idea of where I want the story to go, a lot of the time I'm not sure how I'll eventually get there. Yet, with this story, something feels different. Its like I have a bunch of things that need to happen next, and when I'm not even close to finishing the current chapters, the next bits come to mind and I write it all down. So, that means that I'm staying about 4/5 chapters ahead all the time. I sure hope it stays that way. :)

I have a really cool scene coming up that I've been looking forward to writing since the beginning. I don't think I'll get to it today, though. There still needs to be (at least) another chapter before I get there.

Okay, it's time to get some dishes done!

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