My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This is fast becoming one of my favourite UF series. So when I started this one and we're back in Tucker Point, I got comfy and couldn't wait to see what Angel's new adventure was going to be.
And isn't this cover absolutely beautiful? I love it. Heaps.
After the ordeal in New York, Angel is back home and back to work at the Coroner's Office. She's now also working in the Tribe lab with Dr. Nikas and is even taking a biology course in college. Everything seems to be going great, except that she's hiding a V12 addiction. And finds herself slipping back into the Once an addict, always an addict downward spiral. But when the drug starts having some awful side effects, Angel knows she has to give it up... but with so much going on, how can she?
With Zombiefest and Mardi Gras hitting town at the same time, some really strange stuff is going on. Like the mysterious guy with the cadaver dog who won't leave her alone, Randy and his two friends getting caught up in some dangerous shit, the local survivalist zeroing in on her, and the case of the decapitated corpse. Did I mention the FBI and a suspicious boss?
This book was totally awesome! I loved how Angel finds herself on a roller-coaster ride of lies as she tries to hide the addiction that gets her into SO MUCH trouble. The worst kind of trouble for a zombie trying to stay in one piece. O_o
It's also super fun as she gets caught up between the human and zombie worlds with some really interesting results. I thought it was cool how she took it upon herself to help the Tribe even though they seemed so determined to keep her in the dark. Oh, and I have to say that it was awesome to have Marcus and Pietro/Pierce absent for most of the story. I'm so over those two. LOL. But seriously, they kinda bog the story down if they're in it for too long.
One of my favourite things about this particular book was how the hidden zombie world collides with the human obsession with zombies. It was very clever, and filled with some very intense scenes that kept me glued to the page. So good!
Well, now that Zombie Fest and Mardi Gras are over and Angel's back together (LOL), I can't wait to see where the story goes.
Oh, and BTW, did I mention that I'm now all caught up? Well, I am. :)