Wednesday, 27 February 2008
Not much to say today...
Tuesday, 26 February 2008
Here's where I'm at right now:
Monday, 25 February 2008
Hey, it's the last week of Feb!
The hubby and I had a great time too. It was a lot of fun. The hubby had reason to enjoy the game. Man, he beat us real good. He pretty much owned the entire board. :)
Anyway, got some more writing done today:
I also got a bunch of reading done over the weekend. Check out the novel and novella I read below. Both were excellent. Lots of fun and mystery. Cool.
Did you guys watch Supernatural? I thought it was an excellent episode. Dean's so funny. I cracked up at the sheriff and deputy comment. Too funny. Oh, and I loved the fact that Lilith's made it into their mythos. I can't wait to see where this goes. I read that it'll be back with another 4 eps in late April. Let's hope that's true. There can never be too much Dean and Sam Winchester, huh? Bring it on.
Also watched the latest episode of Torchwood. What the hell is going on? This whole thing with Owen could go really well. Or it could fail. Because I love this show, I'm going to go with yay, it'll work. We'll see. I enjoyed this ep, though. Cool.
Okay, that's it for me today. I hope you all had a great weekend!
Sunday, 24 February 2008

M.J., her partner Gilley, and their client, the wealthy, de-lish Dr. Steven Sable, are at his family's lodge, where his grandfather allegedly jumped to his death from the roof-although Sable says it was foul play. But the patriarch's isn't the only ghost around. The place is lousy with souls, all with something to get off their ghoulish chests. Now M.J. will have to to quell the clamor-and listen for a voice with the answers...
Okay, I'm hooked on another Victoria Laurie series. This book was a lot of fun and the characters all very likeable. I'm certainly going to follow their adventures, that's for sure.
If you like to read mysteries - which I do - this is a real treat. M.J. is a really cool character. And don't you just love the cute cover? I think it's great! You've all heard me rave about Victoria's books before, and this one's in the same boat.
The mystery she spun in this one was awesome. Everything clicked into place. You gotta love that. :D
Wednesday, 20 February 2008
Reading & Writing

I'm looking forward to it. :) This story is so exciting. I'm having a great time writing it and can't wait to get to the end. Although, I know that once it's finished, I'll be sad. And you know, while I was walking yesterday -- supposed to be thinking about a certain plot point -- the muse decided to tell me she wanted to see more of this world. Yeah, sounds about right! She always does that to me.
Tuesday, 19 February 2008

Everything's changed for Claire Danvers, with a single signature. Oh, she's still got her friends, but for how long? Can she really tell them the truth about what she's done to protect them? And now she's working for a terrifyingly unpredictable vampire with the biggest secret in Morganville ... and every trip down Midnight Alley to meet him could be her last...
OMG! This series is totally awesome. The only problem I had with this book is that I now have to wait several months until the next one. No! ;) I need to know what's going to happen next. Lol.
Honestly, Rachel Caine is so awesome. I love her stuff.
You know, this being a young adult doesn't mean it's not edgy and interesting. The storyline is so involved. The characters feel so real. With every new book, we find out a little more about the vampires of Morganville. Lots of secrets to share in this one. I was fascinated and can't wait to see what will happen next... especially after I finished reading the last chapter.
You should definitely check this series out.
Okay, so the very last chapter is still a little blurry, but the dark moment is there. And the resolution, too. It's very exciting and I can't wait to see how it all turns out... because I know there will still be a few things left to surprise me in this tale. :)
Here's the word count:
I've met my word target for today. It would be nice to add another 1-2k, though. Maybe tonight.
Also managed to finish reading another book. I've now read the three Morganville Vampires books. Cool! I love this series, it's awesome. Can't wait for the next book.
Monday, 18 February 2008
I had a great weekend!
Anyway, I didn't add a single word to my novel over the weekend. I also didn't take any notes. But I did think about the story... a lot. I'm in that bit in the novel when you become totally involved with the characters and story. I could spend all day just writing the novel, or taking notes and expanding on the world.
Progress is as follows:
Very happy with the pace. I've stopped in a horrible scene. Well, it's horrible for my heroine. Not a nice spot to be in. I think havoc is gonna strike sooner than later. :/ Don't you just love torturing these poor characters? ;)
Anyway, I'm hoping for another productive week. Last week was nuts. Looking back, I can't believe I squeezed so much in. But I did.
Did you all watch Supernatural? Man, it was a cool ep. It was awful to see Dean die over and over again, but man, it was hilarious! And seeing Sam on his own was a little creepy, especially when Dean will soon leave.
Also got a double dose of Torchwood. Love it! But what the hell? I can't help thinking that Owen isn't really dead. I mean, they've got access to alien technology and all. There's no way he's gone, right? Funny, I found him totally annoying in season 1, but I liked him in this one. Typical. Oh well. At least Jack Harkness is still with us.
Have a great day!
Tuesday, 12 February 2008
New week, new words
Yesterday, my daughter was home from school. She woke up with a fever. So I only added about 2k. Still, got back into the groove today.
Here's the progress meter for now:
I'm moving at a steady pace and am only about 1k away from my self-imposed word count goal for today. I'd like to add one more writing session after my daughter goes to bed. We'll see, because I've got a bunch of other writing-related stuff I need to do this week...
Oh, and if you'd like to know a little more about my upcoming Vampire Oracle novella, I've set up a thread over at Cobblestone Main Street called, My Vampire Oracle: DEATH. You can go here to read a little more about it.
Man, looks like the sun's coming back out again. Great timing... not! My daughter and I got caught in the downpour on the walk back from school. It totally ruined our walk. I love our walk back home, near the river. So, this pissed me off. Maybe we'll squeeze one in later.
Saturday, 9 February 2008

Throw in the re-emergence of a brother Eve doesn't want to admit she has, a war brewing between the two most terrifying vampires in the world, and a bitchin' horror-themed party with bite, and Claire's life is about to get very interesting.
Okay, after reading the first one, I got stuck into this one. This is the second book in The Morganville Vampires series, and continues where the first one ended. Right in the middle of a huge mess! Claire, Eve, Shane and Michael get into further trouble in this book.
It's filled with lots of twists and turns. We also get to see a different shade in the vampire community. It's so darn cool. Once again, all of their lives are filled with danger. I loved how these four stick together, no matter what's thrown their way.
Man, what an awesome book. What an awesome series!
And you'll never guess what happens to Michael. Um, I don't want to spoil anything for you... but let's just say that Michael has a dilemma. And in this book, it sorta gets sorted out. Personally, I loved what happened. So, if you've read this book, what did you think?
Do yourself a favour, read this series.
Friday, 8 February 2008
All the actors were awesome. And the love between Tristan and Yvaine was touching. Man, I loved it! You know... now I want to buy the book. Lol. Neil Gaiman's awesome, isn't he? :) I'm so glad we watched it. Awesome!
Okay, here's the progress meter:
I'm at a point in the story where I need to sit down with my notebook to take notes. There are a bunch of things that need to be sorted out and I don't want to forget any of it. Besides, writing these points will help in the direction. Cool! And I've got the weekend to think things over...
Monday, 4 February 2008
Rain, rain, go away!
Maybe it's because the novel I'm writing at the moment has a lot of rain. Who knows? ;)
Anyway, let's get straight to the word meter:
Just stopped writing about ten minutes ago. I was really caught up in an action scene. But of course, the laptop ran out of juice. It loves to do that to me. Lol.
I'll just have to finish the chapter tomorrow. Things were starting to slow down a little, but they're about to get crazy again. Gotta get those characters running again.
We caught up with some shows over the weekend:
Supernatural: It's back! Yay. I love, love, love this show. Those Winchester boys sure know how to find trouble. And don't you just love the way we're finding out a little more about how things work in their world? Wow. I was sure I knew the direction they were going, and now they've just spun it around on me. Love the demon explanation. Can't wait to hear more. And poor Dean, 'cause, we all know where he's going. :(
Burn Notice: Man! Let's add this to the love list. Yeah. Definitely. I really like the way Michael, Fiona and Sam play off each other. Love the flow of the show. Love to see assholes lose after they've conned little old women out of their savings. Yay! Go Michael!
We've also started watching the Aussie versions of The Biggest Loser and So You Think You Can Dance. Really enjoying both so far. I find TBL very inspirational. We watched the latest American one about a month ago and some of the results were amazing. Can't wait to see how the Aussies do. This is our third one downunder. And the first SYTYCD. Some of the dancers are really talented. Can't wait to see the top 20.
So yeah, just watching a little TV at the moment. But I've also been reading. And writing! Busy, busy. Well, have a great day!
Saturday, 2 February 2008

When Claire heads off-campus, the imposing old house where she finds a room may not be much better. Her new roommates don't show many signs of life. But they'll have Claire's back when the town's deepest secrets come crawling out, hungry for fresh blood.
You all know I love vampires, right? And well, Rachel Caine's awesome! So, I've had the first three books in the Morganville Vampires series for a while now. And I really wanted to get stuck into a YA, for a change. It's completely different to what I'm writing at the moment, which I find is (always) essential when I write a first draft. It's that, or not read at all. And well, I wanna read. ;)
Anyway, this book is awesome. I love Claire, Eve, Shane and Michael. What a nice bunch of kids. Okay, so they're a little quirky and live in a town run by vampires, but these four are so cool. They're really not afraid of anyone, or anything. Sure, they get scared but never back down. Love it! And the bitch in this book, Monica... man, you just wanna scratch her eyes out. I loved the plot. Lotsa twists and turns. And you know, when I got to the end, I just had to start the next one right away. The end was a little bit of a cliffhanger.
Still, awesome book! Can't wait to find out more about this strange place...
Friday, 1 February 2008
It's another cool and grey autumn day, here in Sydney
Y'know, I reckon that one of these days, seasons are going to be nothing more than a name. A title given to sections of the year, because none of the seasons have acted accordingly for a long time now.
Anyway. Enough about the weather. :/
I passed the 10k mark on my first draft this afternoon. This is the official progress meter:
Anyway. I'm hoping to watch the next episode of Torchwood tonight. Did any of you guys watch last week's ep? It was so much fun. Man, I love this show. Though it did touch a little on a similar storyline I've already written about. But hey, that happens a lot. The whole no-new-ideas thing. ;)
Have a great weekend!
ytd word count: 28,170 (<---- this will hopefully change later on...)