
Wednesday, 3 September 2008

Mid-week post ;)

Well, I've been busy adding new words all this week. Today marks the third day of working on this new novel project of mine. So, here's the word count:

I wasn't sure if I was going to meet my target yesterday, but I did. Even managed to sneak in a visit to the library with my daughter. Although, the above word meter is where I'm at after my first sitting for Wednesday. I'll get back to it tonight, when my daughter goes to sleep. If I can add another 2k, that would be great.

When I sat down today, I wasn't 100% sure where the story was going to go. Okay, that's not entirely true. I knew where I was going, but I wasn't sure of the how-to-get-there bit. Lol. Still, I thought about it in the shower for a bit and worked it out. Now, I know what the next chapter will entail too. My hubby asked me this morning if I was excited about writing this story, and the answer is definitely. I'm so excited about these characters and this world I'm building. It's totally consuming. In a good way. Lol.

I also attended a fun chat over at Coffee Time Romance & More today. It's always so cool to chat over there. Everyone's so nice. I was there to talk about my upcoming Vampire Oracle Death novella. Can you believe it'll be released this Friday? Yay!

Well, it's almost time for me to head out. I've still got two goals to meet today. I want to send out my September newsletter and add a little more to the novel. ;) Bye!

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