
Thursday, 30 June 2022

June Revision Update!

Hey! How are you today? I hope you're all having a nice week.

The world is such a shitty place at the moment. I can't believe we're allowing religious fucking zealot fascists to have any sort of political power. Not for the first time, I have to wonder: WTF is wrong with people? Why can't these religious idiots let people live their own lives and mind their own damn business? Ugh. So disgusting.

And don't get me started on the Covid case numbers rising here in NSW because people can't be bothered wearing masks. 🤬

Anyway, let's not concentrate on the crappy stuff for now, and talk about what I've been doing this week.

This month's Revision Project was my SF story with horror elements, set during the 1980s. It's fun, strange and features a character I really like. I enjoyed telling, or retelling, her story.

Here's my progress:
  • Monday: 31/134pgs (49,149w)
  • Tuesday (day): 72/134pgs (49,029w)
  • Tuesday (evening): 85/134pgs (48,998w)
  • Wednesday: 135/135pgs / 49,037w
  • Thursday: 137pgs / 49,125w
So... Neon is DONE! Yay. 😊🎉

Although I didn't struggle with this story like I did with Summer, I did make a LOT of changes to the original draft. I also cut several chapters and a subplot, changed a character, completely rewrote the last two chapters, and gave it a new ending.

So, I worked pretty hard on fixing this WIP! I'm glad I did because I'm really happy with the final product.

I mentioned cutting chapters, and that means that I once again deleted quite a few words. 17,056, to be exact. 😬

Between this novel (-17,056w), the novella I revised in May (-27,927w), March (-24,600w) and the one in February (-25,203w), I've now cut a total of 94,786 words this year! Yikes!! 😳

Also the cool thing about completing this project is that I can update my Revision List again:
  • April 2021: Full edit of Wall of Dolls
  • May 2021: Full revision of Destiny
  • June 2021: Full revision of Victoria
  • August 2021: Full revision of Possess
  • September 2021: Full revision of Monsters
  • February 2022: Full revision of Cosmic
  • March 2022: Full revision of Madness
  • May 2022: Full revision of Summer
  • June 2022: Full revision of Neon
I like the way this looks now. I only have TWO first drafts left to revise: an old YA novel (from 2017) and 2021's NaNoWriMo. 

If I stay on track and keep putting in the work, I can polish off the whole list before my self-imposed end-of-year goal.🤞

Okay, that's it for today. It's been a hard and super busy month, so I'm going to start July with a mental break because I really need it.

Have an awesome day!


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