
Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Hey, it's a new week!

And almost February. Yikes!

My daughter went back to school yesterday, so I'm still trying to get myself into the swing of having the whole day to myself. I wound up finishing the book I was reading and writing a review for it. I know, very productive. Not. ;)

Remember how I made this voodoo pincushion for my daughter a few weeks ago? Well, I forgot to post a photo of the second one I made for her...

<--- So, here it is. What do you think? I like it more than the first one. But I suppose the more I make, the better they'll turn out, right? Maybe. Still, I really like this one. :)

Oh, on Friday night hubby, daughter, and I went to the MCR concert. OMG. It was fantastic! My ears were ringing for a few days and I kinda lost my voice because I was singing along so much, but it was so worth it. They were awesome, and we had a lot of fun! Now we've seen our two favourite bands live in concert. So very cool. And my daughter's only 11. LOL.

We were all on such a high after the concert and having a 4-day weekend with hubby, that it was hard to settle back into a normal working/school week yesterday. O_o

Anyway. Today, I'd like to do some brainstorming on the R&R I'm going to be working on next. That's my first project for this year. I really want to make this story stronger, make better sense of it, as well as setting a more romantic mood in it. It's going to be a lot of hard work, but I believe in this story and want to do it justice. So, that's what I'm hoping to make some headway on today...

Well. I hope you all have an awesome day!

Monday, 30 January 2012

PURE by Julianna Baggott

A stunning coming of age novel set in a richly imagined post-apocalyptic world. For fans of THE PASSAGE and THE HUNGER GAMES this is a fantastic addition to the growing cannon of dystopian fiction.

We know you are here, our brothers and sisters. We will, one day, emerge from the Dome to join you in peace. For now, we watch from afar, benevolently.

Pressia Belze has lived outside of the Dome ever since the detonations. Struggling for survival she dreams of life inside the safety of the Dome with the 'Pure'.

Partridge, himself a Pure, knows that life inside the Dome, under the strict control of the leaders' regime, isn't as perfect as others think.

Bound by a history that neither can clearly remember, Pressia and Partridge are destined to forge a new world.

Before I started reading this book, I'd heard great things about it. But I have to admit, nothing prepared me for the story I was thrown into. Wow.

Pressia Belze is almost sixteen years old, which means she'll soon be forced to become a soldier for the OSR (Operation Sacred Revolution). She lives with her grandfather inside a rundown barbershop, in a devastated and dangerous world. Nine years after the Detonations which destroyed the landscape and caused unimaginable deformities in those outside at the point of impact, there are two classes--the wretches and the Pure. The wretches are a variety of 'fused' individuals who survived outside the Dome. The Pure live inside the Dome and have a seemingly sheltered life.

Partridge Willux lives inside the Dome, but when he stumbles upon the contents of his mother's personal items metal box, his whole perspective shifts. All of a sudden he's not happy with life in the Dome and longs to go outside to search for his mother--who he now believes is still alive. However, when he gets outside, he realises it's nothing like he imagined. Or the way they were taught in the academy.

When Pressia is running from the OSR and stumbles on a Pure--who happens to be Partridge--being attacked, she helps him. After that Pressia and Partridge team up, and with the help of the savvy Bradwell, the three set off in search of the saint who might be able to shed some light on many mysteries surrounding the Detonations. However, not everything is as it seems and their landscape is filled with dangerous, terrifying creatures, and a conspiracy that chases both of them until they start to realise that everything is connected...

Pure is in one word: amazing! It's a highly imaginative and vivid story of loss, sadness, and destruction. It's also a wonderful tale of hope, acceptance, and family. I absolutely loved every minute of it and was intrigued from the very first chapter. I couldn't wait to see what Pressia discovered about herself, and was stunned at all the revelations. I also enjoyed the multi-POV throughout the book, it gave us a wider look at what was going on from every angle.

It was very clever, well written, and effective.

Now, when does the next book in the trilogy come out? I can't wait for it!        

Pure, February 2012, ISBN 9780755385485, Headline Fiction

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Recast 2: CLASH is now available!

Today is another exciting day!

The second book in my SFR series RECAST is now available:

When revenge, secrets and lust collide, there can only be chaos.

Recast, Book 2

Jenks Maine is dead, but the devastating effects forcing Recast to fight in the arena goes on. Half-Recast Ace Abu is determined to put a stop to it. All he needs is to get to the planet Fray, locate the concealed Clash Arena, and destroy it. But first he has to cross half the galaxy before the sound and smell of his partners’ nonstop lovemaking drives him mad.

By the time he parks himself on a barstool in the town of Grit, he’s more than ready for a few beers. Except the sexy singer on stage is only making him—and his inner beast—burn hotter.

Ely’Shea longs for the freedom Jenks stole from her. She’s his right-hand woman, but when the boss is away she steps out of her enforcer role and ducks into a remote bar to indulge her passion: singing onstage. The night she catches a glimpse of an alluring cowboy in the audience, he ignites a spark inside her she never thought she’d feel again.

Unable to resist temptation, they’re consumed by passion…but once the fuses are set, their deepest personal secrets could blow any chance of forever all to hell.

Product Warnings
This book contains a very lonely shapeshifter in need of some loving, a kick-ass singer leading a double life, a serious case of mutual lust, an arena filled with enslaved warriors, and so many secrets it can only end in total madness.

I've already got two reviews:

"Several sexy scenes, an interesting plot, and strong dialog make this a fun and compelling read. Recommended for casual sf and romance lovers."
–Jennifer Harris, Library Journal

"Clash offers an adventurous tale in space and another strong heroine."
  –LovLivLife Reviews

I'm guest blogging at The Romance Studio.
There's also a giveaway at The Galaxy Express, where you have a chance to win both WITHER & CLASH by answering a quick question. ;)


Photobucket Photobucket

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

GREEN WITCH by Alice Hoffman

In this powerful, lovely sequel to GREEN ANGEL, Green must learn the stories of a number of "witches" and free her true soul mate from a prison as she grapples with life, love, and loss in a post-disaster world.

I found out about this book because my daughter was interested in reading Green Angel. I searched here on Goodreads and to my surprise--and excitement--found there was a sequel. Then I found it at the local library and just had to borrow it.

My daughter actually read it before me, and she told me it was lovely. I picked it up yesterday and read it in a few sittings... and she was right. This is another beautiful, haunting, heart-breaking story about Green. She lost everything a year ago, but is now rebuilding her life. Still, she longs for the boy she loves and sets out on a wondrous quest...

This is another wonderfully-written story by Alice Hoffman. She certainly has a way with words, and can convey so much emotion in just one sentence. Her stories always touch my heart, so I'm going to have to go out of my way to read more of them. She's a brilliant storyteller.

This passage from the book is about love, and it truly is amazing:

"You have to be willing to give everything away. You have to be willing to end up with nothing.

Only then will your heart be whole."

Last night, I ordered Green Heart, which actually contains both books. Can't wait to receive it. :)         

Happy Birthday, Loki!

That's right! Today is Loki's birthday. Yay.

Look at him. This is what he looked like when we first adopted him in March 2007. He's always been a cheeky cutie. We fell in love with his antics at the RSPCA right away. He was so friendly. And he became part of the family very quickly.

We love the little guy. I just can't believe he's 5 years old now! Wow.

Time sure flies. Though I really shouldn't be surprised because my daughter will turn 12 this October. Yikes.

Anyway. I hope he has a great kitty day! ;)

I'm guest blogging today. You can find me at Ren Thompson's blog. I'm chatting about mixing genres. You know how much I love to do that, right? ;)

I've also noticed a few reviews for CLASH:

They're both great reviews, so I'm very excited.

And, don't forget that you can pick up the prequel novella for my upcoming The Hidden series from ImaJinn Books. For Free! ;) If you do read it, I'd love to know what you think. :) I'm very excited about Trina Martin finally being out there in the world...

As you can probably tell, January has actually turned out to be super busy so far. Seriously, I've had my daughter home all month and still managed to tackle one novella full edit, the first round of edits for a novel, reading a bunch of books (I'm up to 8 right now), trying to get back into the swing of working out, and sorting out some promo. Phew. Yeah, I guess it's no wonder I'm so tired, lol.

This week is going to be a little wonky, but good. Hubby's only working three days, then it's a public holiday, followed by an RDO, and the weekend. Effing awesome! Oh, and on Friday night the three of us are going to the MCR concert. Can't wait! I've been trying not to get excited until the day, but with it being so close, I can't help it. :D

Oh, and did I mention that CLASH will be released tomorrow? OMGosh!

Have a great day.

Monday, 23 January 2012


Ari can’t help feeling lost and alone. With teal eyes and freakish silver hair that can’t be changed or destroyed, Ari has always stood out. And after growing up in foster care, she longs for some understanding of where she came from and who she is.

Her search for answers uncovers just one message from her long dead mother: Run. Ari can sense that someone, or something, is getting closer than they should. But it’s impossible to protect herself when she doesn’t know what she’s running from or why she is being pursued.

She knows only one thing: she must return to her birthplace of New 2, the lush rebuilt city of New Orleans. Upon arriving, she discovers that New 2 is very…different. Here, Ari is seemingly normal. But every creature she encounters, no matter how deadly or horrifying, is afraid of her.

Ari won’t stop until she knows why. But some truths are too haunting, too terrifying, to ever be revealed.

I love Greek mythology, so I was very eager to get stuck into this book. And I'm glad I did.

Ari Selkirk has always felt different. For starters, she has strange coloured eyes and pale, long hair. Her mother died when she was small, so she's gone from one foster home to another all of her life. It's only lately that her guardians are actually a couple who care about her. They care so much they understand her need to find out more about her mother, and even equip her with the tools she needs.

After going to the hospital where her mother died and reading the note she left her, Ari knows she has to go past The Rim, to the hospital where she was born in New 2--the rebuilt city of New Orleans. But even before she heads into New 2, a strange man tries to kill her, and turns to smoke when she actually uses his own weapon against him.

Making her way into New 2, she meets a pack of children and teens that live alone. This new city is very different. For starters, Ari actually starts to feel at home and she instantly connects with the alluring Sebastian. But she quickly becomes the pawn in the middle of a war between an insane Goddess and the monsters she wants to destroy.

I absolutely loved this book! It's seriously awesome. Ari's an excellent narrator, and I felt so bad for her as she's trying to piece together the clues that she hopes lead her to understand why the women in her family always seem to die or kill themselves before the age of 21. She wants to beat this curse, but once she finally gets her answer... wow! I loved the way Greek mythology is mixed into a very interesting, dangerous, and vivid futuristic New Orleans.

Can't wait to see what happens next...        

Saturday, 21 January 2012


Sadie Walker fights for survival as the dead close in...

In the months since The Outbreak, Seattle has become a walled fortress - the Infected are kept at bay, and the survivors are trying to scrape back a life. But the city is rife with crime, religious cults and black-market dealings. And things are about to get much, much worse.

When a group of frustrated fanatics, the 'Repopulationists', destroy part of the wall, zombies start swarming the city. Sadie, devastated by the brutal kidnapping of her young nephew, must find him and get them both out before it's too late. But the only escape is by sea, and she's seen for herself the horrible fate of those who tried that route before...

After reading Allison Hewitt is Trapped last year, I was really looking forward to reading this one. And it certainly didn't disappoint!

Sadie Walker is an illustrator. She lives in Seattle with her nephew, Shane, and boyfriend, Carl. Months have passed since The Outbreak and the city is barricaded, so the undead can't get in. Life is hard and the population remains at risk from religious cults, crime, and a thriving black market. It's dangerous and everyone does their best to put food on the table and try to live a normal life.

Sadie continues to do what she loves--drawing. As well as making sure that Shane and her are relatively safe.

The morning her boyfriend betrays her, the new life she's gotten used to collapses around her. And when she wakes up after being unconscious for a day, she finds out that thanks to the crazy cult, zombies have breached the city walls and are contaminating it. It's chaos, and her nephew is missing. However, as her friend Andrea is dragging her to safety, she miraculously spots Shane and saves him from the kidnappers who took him.

This is only the start of a new, much harsher ordeal. As the three join a misfit crew on a boat that gets them away from the city, but into deep waters that aren't safe... because the undead seem to be getting smarter and can swim. As if that's not bad enough, being shipwrecked on an island with a mysterious group of seemingly nice people, a horde of zombies, and a killer, is definitely going to make survival a lot harder.

It pushes Sadie to the limits, which is when her fighter spirit really starts to shine through. I loved her indecision, honesty, and the sheer ferocity of how she tackled the responsibility for a boy she wants to keep safe. While staying loyal to the friendships she builds along the way.

Sadie Walker is Stranded is an amazing fast-paced book guaranteed to satisfy every zombie fan. Actually, even if you're not into zombies, you'll love this one. From start to finish, the tension is thick as you follow Sadie on a hopeless quest for survival in a world where zombies are waiting to tear the living apart, and the living are slowly but surely going insane.

There are also some tender moments and a wonderful, interesting cast of characters you can't help but approach with caution as the mystery on the island starts to unfold.

This is one seriously awesome book, and I (really, really) hope there are going to be more in this series. :)        

Sadie Walker is Stranded, January 2012, ISBN 9780755379163, Headline Fiction

Friday, 20 January 2012

A little sewing...

I mentioned yesterday that my daughter and I were going to be making a few of these. So, in the afternoon, we got all our felt pieces together and I started stitching.

<----And this is what we came up with.

As you can see, he's a little different to the one I've linked above. But hey, it's our first attempt! I think, Cy--my daughter named him--is pretty cute. She picked the felt colour, his button eyes, and positioned where she wanted his broken heart to go.*

I think he's cute, but I'm determined to do a much better job next time. ;)

Oh, and we ran out of time. So only made one. 

Anyway, asides from the sewing, I spent most of yesterday morning scheduling, and emailing a few guest blog posts I've got coming up. One of them is already live.

As for today--TGIF, btw--I'm hoping to tie up a few Sierra Fox notes that need to be added to the series bible. I'd also like to read more of this zombie book, and maybe pick out what books I want to add to my immediate TBR pile. I've got library books, Kindle books, and my own personal bookshelves lined with books I can't wait to read. So many books, so little time. lol.

And yes, the word of the day is books.

OMG. Next Friday, we'll be going to see MCR in concert. I can't wait.

Have a great weekend!

*The voodoo doll's right eye cracks me up every time.

Thursday, 19 January 2012

Taking a deep breath

OMG. I can't believe it's been so long since I last dropped in and added a new blog post. But I've been swamped with edits.


It all started last week when I received edits for my upcoming novella, UNSEEN. As I already mentioned, I got the edits done, but then received the galley on Saturday. Of course, by then I'd already started the initial edit for A PATCH OF DARKNESS.

Taking another deep breath.

So, I spent a lot of the weekend reading over the galley. I got it done, emailed my editor, and in the meantime received the proof for RELENTLESS. See, it's crazy, right? ;) So I got that done and emailed. Which brings us to Monday morning, when I got stuck into the edit of  A PATCH OF DARKNESS and spent every available moment working on it...

I finished it last night, but decided to keep it until this morning. I'm glad I did, because after double checking everything, I found a section that still needed a little work. But now, it's done.

Of course, it's done for now. There will be other rounds for APoD, and possibly for UNSEEN. The only one that's definitely done is RELENTLESS. Just waiting to get my final copy of that one. Yay.

So, phew! Have I also mentioned that my daughter's still on school holidays and that hubby has been home sick during the last few days because he had an eye infection? Yeah. Full house and full load of work means hectic me. Still, they were wonderful. Very supportive. They gave me the time and space I needed to get lost in the editing work. Hubby and Daughter are awesome.

Now, I'm tired and a little bleary-eyed. So I want to spend the rest of the day tackling a few guest blog posts I need to take care of before next week, as well as making one of these with my daughter. Well, two of them really. We cut out the shapes on Monday, picked our button eyes, and are now looking forward to putting them together. ;)

Well, see ya later!

Monday, 16 January 2012

HANA by Lauren Oliver

In the world of Delirium, love is a disease. And like all eighteen-year-olds, Lena and Hana must take the cure.At the start of their last summer of freedom, they were the closest of friends. Until Hana made a decision that tore them apart . . .

 In Delirium, we heard from Lena. Now, Hana gets to tell her side of the story. And nothing is what we first thought. Hana is a powerful, moving and beautifully told original eBook short story, with a shocking twist that will leave you with your heart in your mouth.

This novella fits between Delirium and Pandemonium. It's in the POV of Hana, who happens to be Lena's best friend.

It's beautifully written and gives the reader insight into what was going on with Hana while Lena's story was developing. I enjoyed delving into her life, but I have to admit that it didn't really offer anything new to the trilogy. Well, okay, except for the very end... which I didn't expect. :(        

Friday, 13 January 2012

INCANTATION by Alice Hoffman

Estrella deMadrigal thought she knew herself: daughter, granddaughter, sister, dearest friend, beloved. She is Star in the Night Sky, Truth in the Darkness. But truth is rare and precious in this cruel and unforgiving century in Spain, when Jews who refused conversion to Christianity risked everything - love, life, family, faith.

Then: A startling discovery shakes Estrella's world to the core. And yet, it is something small and sweet that sets it aflame. A kiss. A kiss from someone she is forbidden to love.

As a new girl emerges from the cocoon of secrets in which she has been shrouded, passion burns and friendship crumbles - and betrayal unleashes a monstrous evil from the very deepest part of the earth. Estrella crosses over to a place she never thought she could be; she is someone she never could have imagined.

Remember the story she is about to tell you.

I started this book yesterday morning and finished it by the evening. It's not a long book, but it is a very heavy and emotional story. From the beginning, I knew I was going to be swept away into a very dark time in Spanish history. A time that always angers and saddens me so much.

And I was right. I felt every bit of Estrella's narration, very deeply.

Estrella and her neighbour, Catalina, have been best friends since they were babies.  Estrella always likes to say that they look like sisters, and even had similar pet names when they were little--Estrella was Raven, and Catalina was Crow.They do everything together, but when they're both sixteen years old, a great evil comes to their town. In the form of the inquisition.

It all starts with the burning books of a Jewish man who lives behind the gated part of town, where all the Jews who refuse to renounce their belief live. Then it becomes a physical threat as Estrella watches her neighbours being taken away to be judged guilt without a fair trial. After this, she starts to realise something about her own family. Little things, actions, and rituals she's known all of her life soon start making sense.

Estrella and her family aren't who she always thought they were. And because she falls in love with her best friend's cousin--the boy Catalina is suppose to marry--Catalina's true self comes through. In the process, she causes Estrella's family a very unfair and painful conclusion. It's amazing what jealousy can do to a person.

This book made me so sad. It's haunting and beautifully written, in a way that gets deep into your soul until you feel like all you want to do is cry. I loved it. I loved Estrella and her family, so when everything comes together, I felt it deeply. :(

The subject matter is very dark, but I found Esther to be a shining star...        

EIGHTH GRADE BITES by Heather Brewer

Junior high really sucks for thirteen-year-old Vladimir Tod. Bullies harass him, the principal is dogging him, and the girl he likes prefers his best friend. Oh, and Vlad has a secret: his mother was human, but his father was a vampire. With no idea of the extent of his powers, Vlad struggles daily with his blood cravings and his enlarged fangs. When a substitute teacher begins to question him a little too closely, Vlad worries that his cover is about to be blown. But then he faces a much bigger problem: he’s being hunted by a vampire killer.

This is a series that I've wanted to read for a while now, but I could never find the first book in the store. So, when I saw it on display at the library the other day, I picked it up.

Hoping to sample the first chapter, I ended up reading the first four. I was pretty much hooked into this book right away. Which is always such an awesome thing. :)

Vlad is in the eighth grade. He's constantly getting bullied, is too shy to approach the girl he likes--besides, she might actually like his best friend--and has to battle with being different. Seriously, he's a vampire. Well, his father was a vamp and his mother was human. But they're both dead now and he lives with his guardian, Nelly. As if being a teenager isn't hard enough, without having to hide his true nature, hunger for blood, and other vampiric skills.

When his favourite teacher goes missing and the substitute starts teaching them about mythological creatures, Vlad is pretty sure he knows who the killer in Bathory is... but things don't always turn out how he expects them to.

I had such an awesome time reading this book. It's fun, quirky, and Vlad is such a nice boy. I enjoyed learning about him and the town of Bathory, plus the secret vampire society he finds himself stumbling into. The mystery of who killed his parents is heartbreaking and I can't wait to find out exactly what happened.

This book is another example of why I love vampires so much! Oh, and I got a kick out of all the vampire references. Very cool.        

Thursday, 12 January 2012

Good morning & hello!

Y'know, I was just posting my latest Hachette book review and realised that I haven't actually blogged all week. OMG!

I do have a reason. I received edits for my upcoming (very, very soon) UNSEEN (free!) novella on Monday afternoon. This is actually the prequel novella leading into UNNATURAL, which is the first book in my The Hidden series. So I'm very excited. And if you'd like to see the cover for UNSEEN, drop in tomorrow. ;)

So that's what I've spent the last few days doing. It was quite a bit of work, but also fun. I always enjoy the editing process. A lot. It might seem daunting at first, but once you get started, things start to fit together and the enthusiasm builds. Not to mention how awesome it feels when they're done. Like I did early this morning!

Oh, and the publisher is ImaJinn Books. In case you were wondering. lol.

Also, when I opened my Inbox this morning, I found the first round of edits for A PATCH OF DARKNESS waiting for me. So I know what I'll be working on next... Though I'll be taking a 'mental' break today to recharge my editing batteries and do a few things with my daughter, I'm looking forward to getting stuck into it tomorrow. :)

This year, we're starting a different cycle with our workouts. I'll still be going for a daily one hour walk every day, but instead of doing a weights workout one day, yoga the next, weights again, yoga, and so on... we're going to workout on a three-day cycle. So, it's yoga, weights, day off. So far, it's working out a lot better. Having that day off--which usually means hubby joins us for a nice walk in the evening--really helps. I'm liking it a lot more. Plus my daughter and I are going to start adding in a short run every two/three days.

We did our first run on Tuesday and boy did it hurt. It's amazing that I can do so many workouts and go for so many walks and still feel like crap after a run. Running is a totally different beast, I suppose.

Well. That's it. I've been pretty busy, and trying to squeeze in some reading whenever I can. Hope you have a great day!

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

DARKNESS FALLS by Cate Tiernan

I'm still here. Still immortal. The eagerly anticipated sequel to Immortal Beloved, the deeply alluring gothic romance.

Reyn: the thorn in my side, nightmare of my past, destroyer of my family, constant irritant of my now . . . and the one whose fevered kisses I had relived over and over as I lay exhausted and unable to sleep.
And yet night after night, he--who has kicked down hundreds of doors--had not brought himself to knock on mine.

Are you dizzy from being flung into my world like this? I feel the same way every morning when I open my eyes to find I'm still me, still here.

This is the second book in the Immortal Beloved Trilogy, and while I enjoyed the first one, this one blew me away. Seriously, I was instantly hooked and found it hard to put down.

Nastasya is immortal and for the last few months has been staying at River's Edge, which is like a rehab farm for immortals who have lost their way. She helps out with the daily chores, cooking, and even has a job in town, but her life still isn't easy. Especially since she spends so much time denying she's got feelings for the very alluring Reyn. After all, their history is entwined in a very personal and violent way that goes way back to their childhoods centuries before.

On New Year's Eve, the group gets together and they perform a magick circle to let go of something they no longer want, and meditate about the new year. When Nastasya lets go of her darkness, everything becomes a lot more complicated. Suddenly, she's having horrifying visions about her best friend--also the person she escaped--Incy. But that's not all. Her job becomes a nightmare as she gets caught between a very angry father and the daughter he blames for his wife and son's death. Not to mention that she starts to feel as if her darkness is even affecting the farm. It gets so bad that she decides to make a run for it. She leaves and in the middle of the night is miraculously found by the man she most wanted to leave behind.

Within days of going to Boston with Incy and meeting up with her shallow friends again, she realises that the selfish, partying life she lived for so many long years is no longer what she wants. She also slowly starts to understand that what she believed to be her dark influence might actually be someone else's. And maybe, it's too late to do anything about it...

Darkness Falls is an amazing, well-written book! I absolutely loved every minute of it. While Nastasya is often abrupt, confused, and even downright self-involved, she really is an excellent narrator. She takes the reader on a very personal roller-coaster ride of emotions as her dark past and familial legacy continue to haunt her every waking moment. She tries very hard to be good, and even though she doubts herself so much, it's not until everything is on the line that she realises just how much she's learned and changed.

This book showed tremendous personal growth for her, and I'm waiting very impatiently until the next book comes out, because I can't wait to see how it all wraps up.

I adored this story!

Darkness Falls: Immortal Beloved #2, January 2012, ISBN 9781444707076,  H&S Fiction

Monday, 9 January 2012

TEMPEST'S LEGACY by Nicole Peeler

After a peaceful hiatus at home in Rockabill, Jane True thinks that her worst problem is that she still throws like a girl - at least while throwing fireballs. Her peace of mind ends, however, when Anyan arrives one night with terrible news . . . news that will rock Jane's world to its very core.

After demanding to help investigate a series of gruesome attacks on females -- supernatural, halfling, and human -- Jane quickly finds herself forced to confront her darkest nightmares as well as her deepest desires.

And she's not sure which she finds more frightening.

This is the third book in the Jane True series, and I couldn't wait to get stuck into it. Though I have to say that I'm not really digging the new UK covers. :( I prefer the gorgeous US covers, they're so cute. So, I've already ordered and pre-ordered the next two books in the series with US covers. :)

Sorry about the cover talk, lol.

Jane is getting on with her life in Rockabill, where she lives with her father, enjoys her job in a bookstore, loves hanging out with her friends, and is continuing her magical training. Plus, she loves going for long swims and her cove is perfect for that.

However, when she finds out her mother has been killed--a selkie who left when she was six years old--her world comes crashing down. Though Ryu is there to help pick up the pieces, it's just not enough. Whatever she felt for him is now gone, and his games of manipulation are getting old. Besides, she's got a huge crush on Anyan. But things in her romantic life take a backseat when she demands to be included in the investigation into the gruesome murders of so many females.

This leads to some very horrifying places--secret labs where unbelievable atrocities are carried out on the women who are kidnapped. And when one of Jane's friends is taken, she's determined to get to the bottom of it. Even if it means putting her own safety on the line.

I really enjoyed this book, and this series. I'm having a great time reading Jane's development and acceptance of this world while facing so many difficult situations. I'm also intrigued by 'Blondie', and since she's on the cover of the next book, I look forward to finding out more about her and why she keeps appearing now.

Oh, and it's awesome to see things with Anyan are finally moving somewhere. Can't wait for them to get together! ;)        

Friday, 6 January 2012

I have the Sierra Fox Blurb to share!

So, how was the first week of 2012 for you? For me, it was filled with unmotivated thoughts and a need to spend my time doing anything but thinking about writing. Although it did mean that I spent quite a bit of time doing stuff with my daughter, which is cool.

I won't be avoiding the work that needs to be done forever. Actually, I'm getting excited and am pretty much ready to grab my laptop, notepad, pens, my editor's email, and get started on the brainstorming part of the work I need to do.

But that's next week. What's left of this week will be spent reading and feeling unmotivated. ;)

Anyway. Enough of that.

Guess what I can officially share? The blurb for A PATCH OF DARKNESS!

Here it is...

All it takes is one weak seam for everything to fall apart.

Sierra Fox, Book 1

In a perfect world, Sierra Fox would have stayed away from the Council she left years ago. But in this world—where spirits have the right to walk among the living—it’s her job to round up troublesome spooks and bring them before that very same Council.

Though her desk is piled high with open cases, she can’t resist an anonymous summons to a mysterious late-night meeting with a bunch of other hunters, each of whom seems to have a unique specialty. The news is dire: something is tearing at the fabric of the universe. If the hunters can’t find who or why in time, something’s going to give in a very messy way.

As current cases, family secrets, new clues and her tangled love life slowly wind themselves into an impossible knot, Sierra finds herself the target of a power-sucking duo intent on stealing her mojo. And realizing she holds the key to the last hope of sealing the widening rift.

Warning: Spook catching: may contain traces of ectoplasm and otherworldly nasties. Not recommended for those with allergies to ghosts, demons, and with boyfriends who think your power is theirs. While reading, avoid dark patches and stay to the light.

Well, what do you think? :) I'm very excited about this book. As I've mentioned before, it's the first book in an urban fantasy series I have planned. It will be released on May 15, 2012. How cool, is that? Exciting.

I can't wait to see the cover for this one.

Well, that's it for today. Looks like the weather's cooled down a little. As long as the sun returns soon, I can handle it.

Have an awesome weekend!

AVENGER'S ANGEL by Heather Killough-Walden

Four thousand years ago, four archangels were cast down to Earth in human form. God's favourites, they came to find their mates, the other half of their souls made only for them, without whom they will never be complete.

Uriel, Gabriel, Azrael and Michael, however, were not alone. They were followed by another, determined to find the archesses for himself, and whose power cannot be underestimated. But after centuries of fruitless searching, the archangels - and their enemy - have all but given up hope.

Until one day beautiful and gifted Eleanore Granger crosses paths with Uriel, the Angel of Vengeance. And as a storm rages, outside forces conspire together, initiating an age old battle of good versus evil to win the first archess.

Firstly, I need to mention how lovely this cover is. I have to admit that it caught my eye last year, so when I received a copy for review, I was curious and looking forward to reading it.

This is the first book in The Lost Angels series, which is about God's favoured four archangels--Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, and Azrael. To reward their loyalty, He made them soul mates which were later lost. So, the archangels have been hanging around Earth for over 2,000 years looking for these archesses. Except, their foe--Samael--is also here, and determined to find these females before they do.

In the first book, Uriel, who is now a famous actor playing a vampire in some very popular movies, stumbles upon Eleanore while attending a book signing in the store she works in. Eleanore isn't like other women, she's got some freaky powers she tries to hide from people and has spent most of her life running because there are men chasing her.

When she meets Uriel and feels a sudden attraction, she tries everything she can to fight his allure. But the archangel is determined to get his girl, at some pretty high costs.

While the story sounds insteresting and I'm always curious about stories featuring angels, I found this book to be... disappointing. There was just something about it that didn't click for me. It could be that I didn't particularly like or care about the hero. Or that I initially did like Eleanore but then lost interest in her when she started to fall for the arrogant Uriel. Maybe it was just that I didn't feel any connection to the world, and especially the secondary characters.

In the end, I found myself losing interest and my mind started to wander. I even skimmed ahead several times. :(

Avenger's Angel was a book that I really wanted to like, but I just couldn't get into. Though I do have to point out that it's very well written. That's certainly one quality I enjoyed!   

The Lost Angels #1: Avenger's Angel, December 2011, ISBN 9780755380374, Headline Fiction Paperbacks

Thursday, 5 January 2012


They’re here, and they’re real…werewolves, vampires, mages, and other creatures of the night. For New York P.I. Shiarra Waynest, taking care of Others business started out as a way to stay solvent. But now business is getting very, very complicated…

Shiarra’s relationship with sexy werewolf Chaz may be somewhat unconventional. Still, after a few bumps, Shia is finally ready to get serious. That means meeting family-or in this case, bringing Chaz’s entire werewolf pack along for a rollicking full-moon weekend in the Catskills.

Soon after they arrive, threatening notes appear, warning Chaz to go home. Then their cabin is ransacked. Shia starts digging to find out whether it’s the work of upstart teenaged werewolves or something more sinister. Yet as rumors about her vampire connections arouse the pack’s hostility, Shia has to contend with other dangers. Not just from an adversary about to make his fatal intentions known, but from a threat that’s even closer than she knows…

** spoiler alert **

This is the third book in the H&W Investigations urban fantasy series. After enjoying the first two, I was looking forward to reading this one.

At the end of my review for the second book, I remember saying that I couldn't 'wait to step into Chaz's world'. Well, that's exactly what Shiarra does in this book. She heads out for a weekend away with Chaz and his pack, the Sunstrikers. He wants her to meet them and see how she'll handle being around them.

It sounded like a good idea. In theory. And to be honest, things start out pretty well. She meets a lot of the werewolves, and they all seem to be quite nice and willing to get along with her. Chaz is there to lend his support and always assigns someone to keep her safe. They seem to be really clicking romantically too, and Shiarra's being contemplating signing a contract with him. To show him how much he means to her.

Then, confusing, threatening notes start appearing inside their cabin. Their things get stolen and torched. One of the female Weres suddenly turns on her. A young Were tries to use her as bait to beat Chaz. One bad thing after another starts to happen, and Shiarra is determined to help the pack figure it out. After all, she's a PI. But what she didn't expect was the biggest betrayal from Chaz himself...

I was so shocked when I read the scene with Chaz's betrayal. I wasn't expecting it, or the events that follow after she gets back to the city. And I have to say, I absolutely loved it! I love it when the story seems to be going somewhere and then takes a dark, unexpected turn. What started out as a romantic getaway so she could also get to know her boyfriend's pack and integrate into their lives, turns out to be a total nightmare. Because, not only does she now need to deal with a cheating ex, but the pack is determined to hunt her down. Oh, and one of them actually scratched her too. Which means she might end up turning into a werewolf herself.

I felt so bad for Shiarra. She loses so much in this book. :(

OMG. I love the direction this series has taken, and really can't wait until the next book!        

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

So... 2012, huh?

Did you all have a fun and safe new year? We did. I don't like going out to celebrate during the festive season, there are just too many troublemakers out there and a lot of bad things happen. So we prefer to stay home. It's safer, and a lot more fun. IMO.

So, are you impressed with 2012 yet? Did it start on a good note for you? I was feeling really good the other day, but now... it's the third day, and my positive attitude is already starting to fade a little. O_o

I don't think it's a huge issue, or even a problem. After enjoying such an awesome couple of weeks with hubby first having a 5-day weekend, and then a 3-day one, it's just hard to get back on the everything's gone back to normal bandwagon. That's all. And he will be having another 4-day weekend near the end of this month...

Of course, it doesn't help that I received an R&R for one of my subs yesterday. That always manages to put me in a gloomy mood initially. I'll probably feel this way for a few days and then my mind will be running with the ideas and suggestions of how best to tackle this. It honestly is an awesome opportunity that I really appreciate, and can't wait to tackle.

No one likes to get a rejection, that's all. I've got my way of dealing with it. And it usually involves a little moping around at first, until I start feeling all energised and refreshed about tackling the rewrite. Besides, it' not really a rejection, right? It's a second chance. ;)

We had an awesome weekend. Did you? We celebrated the New Year by playing Rock Band and Guitar Hero until just past midnight. It was a lot of fun, and great to get back into the games. Feels like we haven't played them for ages, and now that my daughter's joining in--instead of just watching hubby & I play--it's super cool.

I've updated My Reading page. This year, I've given myself this personal reading challenge, and joined the Goodreads Reading Challenge. I would once again like to read 100 books. I think that's a nice reading goal each year. 

As far as reading goes for 2012, I really want it to be the year of catching up on my favourite series and books that I've wanted to read for ages. Maybe I'll read one series catch-up book, followed by a stand alone or first book in a new series. Maybe. Either way, I'm determined to get back on track with my fave series.

Oh, and on a cool note... as soon as 2012 arrived, so did summer. It's a little (okay, a lot) late but I don't care. I'm determined to enjoy it while it lasts. I love spring and summer, so this season has been a little harder than usual. Since it doesn't feel like it should.

That's it for now. I don't think I'll get much done today. I think I'll probably get nothing done. I'm just not feeling very motivated right now, but that's cool. See ya later!

Monday, 2 January 2012

My only reading challenge for 2012 is a personal one...

To catch up on the many series books that I've got sitting on my TBR pile and Kindle.

That's right. Even though I read a lot of books during 2011, I also managed to fall behind on a lot of my favourite urban fantasy and mystery series books. So, this year, I'm going to change that.

And I think I'll start with the few series that I have one or two books left to read, or to catch up on. I mean, one of my most fave is the Weather Warden series, and I've got the last two books waiting to be read. Though I have to admit that I've been putting them off on purpose because I don't want it to end... :/

This year, that'll change.

I'm really looking forward to it.

PS. If I do sign up for anything else, it'll probably be something on Goodreads. :)

Sunday, 1 January 2012

Favorites More