My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Grady Hendrix has written two very awesome horror stories that I absolutely adored. My Best Friend's Exorcism is actually one of my all-time favourite books. So I was really looking forward to getting stuck into this one.
Kris used to be the guitarist for a 90s heavy metal band called Dürt Würk, but they never cracked the big time. Decades later, she has a shitty job, no savings and is going to end up with nowhere to live.
So when she spots a billboard featuring the former lead singer's farewell tour, she decides it's time to confront him. After all, this is the guy who screwed them. But before that, she reaches out to her other bandmates and finds herself in a very dark downward spiral...
This book ticked a lot of boxes for me. The way heavy metal was woven into everything, nefarious dark creatures, action-packed horror moments, twists, secret society shit, weird likeable characters and an amazing heroine.
I loved Kris because she's the epitome of what happens to so many women when their dreams die because they were stolen by an arrogant man, who takes all the fucking credit. Yeah, I totally connected with her undying rage and the need to confront the person who took so much from her and the friends she cared about.
Things start out slow enough, from a place of despair as we find Kris working a job she hates and facing a brother who looks down on her. From then on, she finds herself on a freaky adventure that turns her into a villain in the eyes of the masses, when she's the victim. Not that you'd know, because she's strong as hell and doesn't even realise it.
It was such a wild ride to watch this cool and strong character keep going, moving forward and never give up. Even though she questions her ability and even what's happening in front of her eyes constantly. And that's too real, man. The girl/woman experience resonates through this story at every step.
Women get pushed down and stomped on all the time, treated like jokes even when they're the real deal. Making them question everything, lose faith in themselves. But you know what they always do? Get back up. Every time. Just like that Carol Danvers scene I love so much in Captain Marvel.
Hendrix totally gets this and knows how to flawlessly add it into his horror tales. And writing a woman as the lead guitarist of a 90s metal band rocks!
Another thing that's totally awesome is how the metal music is linked to something so creepy and dangerous. Something that invites evil but is also capable of expelling it.
Aside from all the deep and meaningful stuff, this book is a LOT of horror fun.
I seriously loved this book and can't wait to read more stories written by Hendrix.