Hey! How are you today? Can you believe this month is almost over? Personally, I think July went a bit too fast. Not sure why, but that's just how it feels to me. 😬
Well, we're currently in the middle of winter, but you wouldn't know it because the weather has been quite warm. Sure, it's still cold in the morning and at night, but the days are quite warm.
I usually take it easy in July. Mainly because it's my birthday month. I ended up doing a bit of reading, a bit of subbing, and a lot of thinking. Pretty much a bit of everything in equal small measure. 😅
We also went to the dentist and got some blood tests done. And my head has been full of stuff. Not just a bunch of different ideas forming at their own pace, but also lots of thoughts about my online presence.
If you've been reading my blog for any amount of time, you know how much I enjoy Twitter. But the new owner has decided to make it really hard to spend time over there. After fourteen years, I find myself slowly stepping away.
I even set up Instagram and Threads accounts.
So, if you're over there and I haven't found you yet, please feel free to find me. 😁
I also have a Substack newsletter. Actually, I posted a little more about my Twitter/Threads thoughts yesterday.
BTW, can you believe that my horror novella has been out in the wild for over a month and has over 80 ratings on Goodreads?! I can't believe it. It's so exciting to know that readers are actually checking out my story.
Whether you like it or not, THANK YOU for checking it out!!
Well, I guess that's about it for now. It hasn't been a very productive writing month but I did get an unexpected idea that I've kinda started writing. And a few almost-there rejections, which always get me like this: 😫... before I dust myself off and shrug away the sting.
Have a great weekend!