
Wednesday, 31 December 2008

It's the last day of the year!

Yep. Another year is coming to a close. It feels a little strange with it being in the middle of the week. Oh well.

I'm not going to recap or list what I've achieved this year. To be honest, I can't be bothered. Lol. I did a LOT. Lots of eBooks released, my first print release, wrote a lot, revised even more, read a bunch of books, and even managed to squeeze in some rewrites. Phew. See? No wonder I don't want to list everything individually. ;)

I achieved a lot of things that I wanted to, but also ran out of time with others. There's just not enough hours in the day, or days in the week. Lol.

Still, I'm not going to make any real goals for 2009 either. There are a few things I would like to do - continue writing novels, keep reading at a good pace, drink more water, keep working out and walking daily. That type of thing. Not a bunch of specific things, although I do intend to start a list behind-the-scenes. I would also like to change the focus and direction of my writing a little next year.

Anyway. Today I'm working on a revision/re-write novella. I've got about 10 pages left of the currently written material to finish up, before I get stuck into the additions. I'm going to add a new POV, re-work the ending to include more story, and even add an epilogue. It's going to be fun. I'm enjoying it so far. Can't wait to see where it goes. So far I've added 3,300+ words to the original draft.

I've been doing a lot of re-writes lately, huh? It just seems to me like a lot of the stories I'm writing lately want to be longer stories. Which is fine with me.

Monday, 29 December 2008

Well, it's back to Monday

Yep. How was your Christmas break? I hope you all had a great and relaxing time. :) We had a great 4-day weekend together, but it wasn't relaxing. Lol.

Sure, Christmas Day was a lovely and quiet day. We had a lovely lamb roast, went for a nice relaxing walk and just hung out. It was cool. Then Boxing Day, we got started on painting our bedroom. By the end of the day the whole thing was done and dry. Actually, while painting the disgusting old carpet was getting in the way, so hubby pulled it all out.

So, we were living on concrete. :/ Something I thought we'd be able to take for at least a month. But I was wrong. I've got a very sensitive sense of smell (even though I'm clogged up most of the time. I know, very weird) and the concrete stench felt as if it was collecting inside my nasal passage. So, on Saturday, we popped into a store to check out some carpet, picked some, and arranged to have it installed ASAP.

The guys were over early this morning. And my gosh, between the awesome paint and the gorgeous, bouncy carpet, the bedroom looks awesome. Warm, comfy and serene. The only thing left now is a wall of shelves with doors. I can't wait. It looks like we might be getting some of them next weekend. It's going to be great to have my books in the one place. Instead of all over the place.

So, after the hubby went to work, my daughter and I went into her room. Although a lot of the mess in there is because of me, her desk was disgusting. She kept stacking things on top of things, and sticking others inside bags. WTF? Anyway. Several hours later we've dumped a bag of rubbish and another of recycling - just from one corner of her room. Amazing!

She has a desk that serves as a dumping ground. Of course, it sounds like the reason why I got rid of my desk. ;) I just want her to get used to having things nice and neat. Not the organised chaos I'm used to. Heee. Heeee.

Anyway. I'd like to add a few more notes to my WIP Word doc now. I know, more additions. Lol. This world keeps growing and growing...

Have a great day!

Saturday, 27 December 2008


Fueled by a mysterious new drug, Celtic fairies and Teutonic elves battle for turf and power-with humans caught in the middle. As the body count rises, Connor Grey uncovers a vast conspiracy that threatens to destroy not only the city, but the world.

This is the second Connor Grey novel, and it didn't disappoint.

Mark has created a complex, intriguing and amazing world of druids, faeries, elves, trolls, and a whole bunch of other races. In this one, we get to see the extent of the politics involved, and how those wanting power are pretty much willing to hurt and kill whoever it takes to get it. I found this book very interesting, and although Connor hasn't regained his power, he seems to possess enough to deal with the problems thrust in front of him.

The cast of secondary characters is great. We got to meet a few new ones in this one, including his brother. Can't wait to hear and read more about the troubled relationship he seems to have with him. The next book comes out in late January and I've already ordered my copy.

Can't wait to see what's next.

Wednesday, 24 December 2008


I'm a huge Sookie Stackhouse fan. I love the books, the characters, and the awesome world Charlaine Harris has created.

So, of course I was interested in watching TRUE BLOOD. And I wasn't disappointed. It's an amazing thing to watch a show about a book series that until now had played out only inside my head as I read. I can only imagine how Charlaine feels when she watches it. It must be surreal. And awesome!

Anyway, last night hubby and I watched the last three episodes, and I have to say that I'm very impressed. Sure, there are some differences and even some new characters, but I feel like the essence, mood, atmosphere, and setting were captured very well. I really enjoyed the first season and got a kick out of waiting to meet the characters as they popped up in the show. That was a lot of fun. Especially seeing Sam and Eric. :)

I have my faves and I was very happy with the casting. There's nothing worse than imagining people and then being disappointed when they hit the screen. So, that's cool.

I'm giving TRUE BLOOD the thumbs up... and it looks like season two is heading into book 2 territory. :D And I have to say, watching the show makes me want to pick up the first book and re-read the series.

Monday, 22 December 2008

Random stuff...

Well, the school holidays have officially arrived. My daughter's home, and she's already got plans for the two of us. I told her that as long as I could squeeze in some writing time during the day, that was fine.

Except, it becomes a bit of a pain when she keeps cutting into my train of thought. :/ Every five minutes.

Yeah. I picked up the lappy, sat down on the couch, and attempted to start a new novella I would like to have done before the end of the year. But I had to stop at about 1k because she kept popping into the living room to ask questions. You know how it is when you're writing, right? I may be physically sitting on the couch, but I'm not really there. I'm somewhere else, catching the visuals of the story I'm trying to tell. Caught up in another world, and getting jolted out of something like that grates on my nerves.

So, I put the lappy away and have decided to get back to it tonight. After she's tucked into bed. Why do I get the feeling that it's gonna have to be like that for the next month or so?

Anyway. I'm not complaining. Not really. I knew it would be like this.

Of course, there's also the case of the wandering-mind. See, as much as I want to write this new novella - because the beginning scenes are already inside my head, ready to be told - the novel I finished re-writing last week just won't get out of my head. A bunch of snippets keep filtering in. Mostly about future installments. It's very distracting, but cool at the same time.

I kinda feel like focusing on that instead. :/

Not to mention that we're halfway through TRUE BLOOD and I keep trying to compare the show to the books. I know I shouldn't do that, but I can't help it. Lol. So far, I'm lovin' it. Sookie's one of my fave characters, so it's great to watch her. Though it does feel a little weird knowing all the stuff I do after reading so much of the series - I'm only one book behind because of the hardback release schedule.

Anyway, that's enough rambling on for today. I'm in one of those moods today, where I could keep raving on about random things as they pop into my head. ;)

Have a great day!

Sunday, 21 December 2008


Mercenary Kate Daniels cleans up urban problems of a paranormal kind. But her latest prey, a pack of undead warriors, presents her greatest challenge.

Okay, here's another awesome urban fantasy book. And I have no idea why it's taken me so long to grab it! What the hell's wrong with me? Lol. In my defence, there are so many great UF books out there that sometimes, some slip past me. Or my book budget. Still, as long as I eventually catch up, that's fine.

I picked this book up on Friday. I read one chapter during the day and another at night. Only because I didn't have too much spare time. On Saturday, however, I got stuck into it and by the end of the day had about 60 pages left - which I finished shortly after waking this morning.

Man, what a fantastic read! I love Kate and the cast of characters introduced in this magical world. It's unique, different and awesome! Of course, as soon as I finished this book, I ordered the second one and added the third to my 2009 to-buy list. ;)

No wonder I LOVE this genre!

Friday, 19 December 2008


I'm a little tired today, didn't get as much sleep as I was hoping for.

It's my daughter's last day of school. When I pick her up at 3:25PM, she'll be on school holidays and doesn't return until late January. :/ She's really excited about it, and to be honest, I'm looking forward to having her here for a bit too. And as long as I still get 'writing time' between our 'together time', I'll be fine and dandy.

Late last night, I finished the re-write I've been working on during the last two weeks. The final page count ended up being: 447. The final word count: 89,083. Of course, these will both probably change during the final read.

I did a lot of chopping. And I mean a lot. Still, the word count went up by 4,601. Strange, but good. I'm very excited about how it's turned out. I got rid of a lot of fatty, redundant bits that just didn't need to be there. I also deleted an entire chapter and half of another, replaced a love scene with something more approriate to the story, and have changed one character completely. Initially, he was a lovely, good character - the kind that seems too good to be true... so I made him just that. ;) This'll give the series - yes, it's gonna be a series - a lot more depth and perspective. Not to mention the chance to grow.

There's a whole new backstory that I've come up with and still need to fine-tune. Only a small facet of it is mentioned in the first novel, but that's how I want it to be. The cool thing is that now I know there'll be at least 5 novels to tell. :D

In the end, this revision took a lot longer than I thought it would, but I'm glad it did. I got stuck into the nitty-gritty of the story and am making it a hell of a lot stronger and better. And that is always an awesome thing.

Well, that's enough novel talk. I need to get going so I can get the laundry out on the line. I also need to jot down the main plot lines for book 2-5. ;) And it's time to get stuck into some urban fantasy reading. I stayed away on purpose, during my re-write. And I'm starting with this one. Bye!

PS. It's my day over at RomErotica Writers.

Monday, 15 December 2008

Not long to go now

Yep. We're almost at Christmas, aren't we? I really enjoy the festive season, but you know what I don't like? Once it's over. Not sure why, but it usually feels almost anticlimactic. :/

Anyway. The weekend was great! I actually got a chance to grab my notebook and started taking a few notes down for a new novella I want to write. I've got most of the plot down, just gotta get this revision finished so I can start on it.

And my gosh, this revision is going on forever. I feel like for every ten pages I get through, I've added another two. Yeah. The page count started at 431, and it's now at 438 and counting. I'm sitting @ page 226/438. Man, I'm finally past halfway. It feels like it's taken forever to get here. I'm enjoying the story, but because I'm so fussy and particular with my own writing, I've decided that I might need another read-through after this draft is finished. I know. What a pain! But I was re-reading parts of Writing the Breakout Novel and I want to make sure that every single page counts to move the story forward - in action, dialogue, emotion and plot. If I get bogged down with that too much, I start panicking, though. Lol.

The story's still fun to read. There are lots of spooky bits and I'm enjoying this world. The heroine's POV is one I'm comfy with, too. It's written in the first person POV, which is always a challenge. Still, if I get through this and then read it one last time to finalise it, I'm sure it'll finally be as strong a story as I can make it. I just hope that I can get through this current draft by Friday.

This is my daughter's final week before she get summer holidays, which means five weeks at home. This is usually when I freak out about how much my writing time will be affected, but I'm determined to feel differently about it this year. :)

Okay, gotta go now. Have a great day!

ytd word count: 402,154

Saturday, 13 December 2008


When Coraline explores her new home, she steps through a door and into another house just like her own . . . except that it's different. It's a marvelous adventure until Coraline discovers that there's also another mother and another father in the house. They want Coraline to stay with them and be their little girl. They want to keep her forever!

Coraline must use all of her wits and every ounce of courage in order to save herself and return home.

This isn't the best cover I've seen for this book, I actually prefer the Movie Tie-in one, but it's the one that was released here when I first bought this book.

Anyway, last Friday I started reading this book to my daughter. The intention was to read one chapter per night before bedtime, if she liked it. As it turned out, she LOVED it and we squeezed in several chapters during the week because she just had to know what happened next. Last night, we finished it. Still, she loved it and can't wait to watch the movie. By the looks of the trailer, they've added some stuff, which I think is fantastic.

At first I thought she might be a little scared about some of the things that happened to Coraline, but my daughter was intrigued all the way. Now she wants her own copy so she can read it again and again. I'm really glad that she enjoyed it because this is a fantastic story. It was also a lot of fun to enjoy - and chat about - the story with her after every chapter.

Now that I know her tastes tend to sit on the spooky side of the spectrum, what can we read together next... :D

Wednesday, 10 December 2008

It's overcast again!

Well, I thought I'd squeeze in a blog entry before sitting down to get some more revision done. I didn't do any yesterday during the day because I spent it with my daughter. It was actually a really nice day. We went to see her get a school medal during this year's Presentation Day, and then hubby dropped us off at home. He went to work, though. :(

I read some more of CORALINE to her. We're actually only about 60 pages from the end. I'm really surprised at how much she likes it. She won't stop talking about it and can't wait to watch the movie. But I haven't been able to find a release date for it here in Australia. I know it's out in Feb in the U.S. I'm really enjoying it a second time around, too. It's amazing how much I'd forgotten of the story.

Anyway, it was a nice day yesterday.

Today's been a pretty good morning too. The hubby just left for work and I'm about to throw myself into the revision again. I got through a bit more last night and am now sitting @ 93/432 pages. The word count's gone up to 85,187. I'm pretty sure that my initial plan to get this final draft done by Friday is not going to happen. But that's okay. I'm just glad and excited to be catching up with these characters and their world again. It's a fun, yet dangerous place.

My daughter's got one more week of school to go after this one. She finishes up on the 19th. So, that's my new goal. To have this novel revision done by then. No pressure. It just means that the other revision I wanted to do probably will have to wait for next year. Or maybe the final week of this one. We'll see. I've still got a novella I need to write before the end of the year. Yeah, I know, new goal. Lol.

Okay, enough stalling. I gotta grab my lappy and get stuck into it. Bye for now!

Sunday, 7 December 2008


Trust me or die…That’s the choice Morgan Kingsley, exorcist, is given by the gorgeous rogue demon who’s gotten inside her. The truth is, Morgan has dozens of reasons not to trust anyone, from the violence that torched her house and killed her father to a love life that’s left her questioning her relationship with her erstwhile boyfriend, Brian. But Lugh, a king among demons, won’t take no for an answer. He’s prying into her body, her mind, even her sex life. And he’s just pulled Morgan into a power struggle that could have devastating consequences for both the human and demon worlds.

But Morgan still has a job to do: investigating the highly bizarre possession of the son of a wealthy Philadelphia couple. That hunt leads Morgan into a realm of sexual depravity, then a terrifying kidnapping.… Now a woman who makes her living prying demons from their hosts finds her day job colliding with the night: a darkness that is attracting demons of the damnedest sort, including the one who’s about to demand his ultimate due.…

I read this book over the weekend. Once again, I got totally sucked into Morgan's world. Yikes! The poor thing, I feel exhausted just reading about all the stuff thrown her way. Lots of probs and new characters in this installment. So it looks like this is going to be a long series. Or maybe I'm just hoping that it ends up being a long series because I LOVE it so darn much!

No need to tell you what the book's about because that's posted up above, but I do need to tell you that it was a fantastic, awesome read and that I highly recommend this series to anyone who enjoys urban fantasy. No. Actually, I recommend it to anyone who likes reading. :D

You gotta check it out!

Friday, 5 December 2008

A little late today

Yikes! Where did the day go? It was a nice one, and it can only get better since the weekend's around the corner. Cool.

In spite of it being Friday, I've actually gotten a bunch of research and note-taking done. There were so many things in my head when I went for a walk this morning that I thought I would lose something. So I wrote everything down as soon as I got home. It was the same last night. It was about 1am and I was jotting down a conversation that just wouldn't end. Ten handwritten pages later, I was ready to go to bed. Lol.

It feels really good to do this. I've managed to catch up on a few things this week. Especially reading. Okay, maybe that's a lie because I've been reading pretty constantly lately. ;)

Anyway. Now that a lot of the worldbuilding is complete, I really want to write the story. But I can't commit to writing a new book until next year. A short story, novella... maybe, but not a novel. Still, it doesn't hurt to keep writing/typing everything down and maybe getting the start done...

Well, I think it's time for me to go and lie down. I mean, sit down for a bit. I'm so darn tired today! Why does it always feel like exhaustion catches up with you on Friday? Very strange.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, 4 December 2008


Rule #3: Don’t stare at invisible faeries.
Aislinn has always seen faeries. Powerful and dangerous, they walk hidden in the mortal world. Aislinn fears their cruelty—especially if they learn of her Sight—and wishes she were as blind to their presence as other teens.

Rule #2: Don’t speak to invisible faeries.
Now faeries are stalking her. One of them, Keenan, who is equal parts terrifying and alluring, is trying to talk to her, asking questions Aislinn is afraid to answer.

Rule #1: Don’t ever attract their attention.
But it’s too late. Keenan is the Summer King who has sought his queen for nine centuries. Without her, summer itself will perish. He is determined that Aislinn will become the Summer Queen at any cost—regardless of her plans or desires.

Suddenly none of the rules that have kept Aislinn safe are working anymore, and everything is on the line: her freedom; her best friend, Seth; her life; everything. Faery intrigue, mortal love, and the clash of ancient rules and modern expectations swirl together in this 21st century faery tale.

I just finished reading this book. And I've got another WOW to add to the many I've been gushing all over the place lately. I started reading this book yesterday afternoon. By mid-afternoon today, I had about 100 pages to go, and just couldn't stay away. I read a little more every time I could grab a pocket of time to sit down with it.

Yep. I've heard great things about this book, and they're all true. The story was a total surprise for me, not at all what I expected. In the best way possible. I enjoyed the multiple POVs, too.

Though I have to admit that - for me - one of the best things in this story was Aislinn's transformation. I loved the way we got inside her head at the beginning of the book, when she's trying very hard not to let the faeries know she can see them, and then end up where she does. Seth was a wonderful character too, and Donia was very surprising. I have to admit that I didn't like Keenan at first because he was just too pushy and annoyed me with his attempts at getting his hooks into Aislinn. But in the end, he grew on me.

This was another enchanting and lovely tale of the mortals and faerie, with a good dose of wicked.

Wednesday, 3 December 2008

Book buying is like a disease ;)

You know, I went to the bookstore this morning with $100. I came back with $10 and some change. I did tell the hubby it would happen. Lol. Luckily, I try to stick to my monthly budget as much as I can.

Still, they were 5 books that I've been waiting for and can't wait to read.

Although I have already started reading something new, and it's not one of the 5 I got today. :/ What can I say? I'm totally in a faerie mood.

I just finished putting together my December newsletter. I wanted to get it done yesterday, but I got sidetracked trying to turn a story into a nice and presentable pdf. It took a while to format it nicely, and now I've realised that I need to add a few more things. Yeah, that's usually the way, right? Still, I'm getting there.

Taking it easy this week is really helping, I think.

I suppose it's nice to take a step back every now and then. Though that doesn't mean my head and muse are taking it easy. My head's continually buzzing with stuff that seriously needs to be offloaded somewhere else. My brain's getting too crowded. Not to mention that I'm trying to mentally plan the next year. No more resolutions. I don't like that word. Plan or goals sounds so much better. Don't you think?

Well. It's almost time for my walk. I think I'll lift some weights this afternoon. I missed out on yoga because I was so tired this morning. I can catch up on that tomorrow morning. See ya!

Tuesday, 2 December 2008

TITHE: A Modern Faerie Tale

Sixteen-year-old Kaye is a modern nomad. Fierce and independent, she travels from city to city with her mother's rock band until an ominous attack forces Kaye back to her childhood home. There, amid the industrial, blue-collar New Jersey backdrop, Kaye soon finds herself an unwilling pawn in an ancient power struggle between two rival faerie kingdoms -- a struggle that could very well mean her death.

It's always fantastic to read one awesome book after another without finding a dud. And that's exactly what's been happening to me lately. Wow! I've had TITHE on my TBR pile for several years. Now, for one reason or another - mostly no reason at all - it kept getting pushed back to the back of the pile. Like I said, no good reason at all. :/

A few weeks back, I relocated most of my books into my daughter's room. I've got them just about everywhere, but it's going to stay that way until we paint, get new carpet, and buy new shelves for our bedroom. Could take months. But I pulled out this book in particular because I didn't want to wait too much longer to finally read it.

I'm so glad that I did. It was fantastic! I liked Kaye instantly. For all her hard exterior and quirky weirdness - not to mention her string of bad habits - she was a lovely girl. So it was easy to follow her on this journey of self-discovery.

When her mother gets attacked by her latest boyfriend, she and Kaye move back to the New Jersey shore. It's where Kaye grew up and used to go to school. It's also where she met her imaginary friends. Except, they're very real and she gets herself entangled into a mess going on between the Seelie and Unseelie Courts.

All I've got left to say is: awesome! I loved the dark edge in this story. The gritty, ugly and very real side of life mixed in with the magic and bizarre creatures. Oh, and I have to mention Roiben. Of course. Another very likeable character in spite of his actions. I also liked Corny.

This was such a fantastic read that I've already ordered VALIANT and IRONSIDE. Lol. It seems to be happening a lot lately. ;)

Monday, 1 December 2008

Well. It's December!

And I'm kinda having a hard time figuring out how we got here so quick. Lol. I suppose that if I sit down and think back over the past year, I'll realise that time has gone by at a nice, steady pace. Maybe.

Anyway. Since it's the first of the month, I've made a plan for myself. Yep. No new writing planned for December, unless it's needed during the revisions I have planned.

I've decided to take it easy this week. I've got some reading, researching, note-taking, pic-finding, sorting, and just general website updates that I need to do. So, that's what my goals will consist of this week. Nothing huge. I've already started with casting characters for one of the novels I intend to revise before the end of this month. That's always a fun process, but this novel's got a lot of people in it. So, I'll probably be sick of looking for pics when I'm done. Got the main three characters cast now. Cool. :)

As for reading, I've picked up TITHE. I've had this book on my TBR pile for several years. For one reason or another, it kept getting lost in the pile. Well, that's no longer the case. I've already read the first two chapters. I'm in a fairy-kinda mood, so WICKED LOVELY might be next in line. ;)

Man, I still can't get over how good THE HOST was. I highly recommend reading this book. I haven't been able to stop thinking about it since I finished it. Really, it's amazing!
Okay, that's it for me on this Monday that seems to be speeding by already...

Sunday, 30 November 2008


Melanie Stryder refuses to fade away.

Our world has been invaded by an unseen enemy. Humans become hosts for these invaders, their minds taken over while their bodies remain intact and continue their lives apparently unchanged. Most of humanity has succumbed.

When Melanie, one of the few remaining "wild" humans is captured, she is certain it is her end. Wanderer, the invading "soul" who has been given Melanie's body, was warned about the challenges of living inside a human: the overwhelming emotions, the glut of senses, the too vivid memories. But there was one difficulty Wanderer didn't expect: the former tenant of her body refusing to relinquish possession of her mind.

Wanderer probes Melanie's thoughts, hoping to discover the whereabouts of the remaining human resistance. Instead, Melanie fills Wanderer's mind with visions of the man Melanie loves—Jared, a human who still lives in hiding. Unable to separate herself from her body's desires, Wanderer begins to yearn for a man she has been tasked with exposing. When outside forces make Wanderer and Melanie unwilling allies, they set off on a dangerous and uncertain search for the man they both love.

Firstly, I totally agree with this: "The author of the Twilight series delivers her brilliant first novel for adults: a gripping story of love and betrayal in a future with the fate of humanity at stake." I found this quote at Fantastic Fiction, so I'm not sure who said it. Still, it's very true.

Actually, I stayed up until 3am this morning because I had 60 pages to go and was obsessed with getting to the end. After being on Wanda's journey for so many pages, and loving it every step of the way, I just had to know how and where she would end up.

WOW! What a fantastic book, and the ending didn't disappoint.

I found the tension in this book set the mood so well that I was afraid something bad would happen every step of the way. I also found it amazing to like a character - who wasn't even human and had taken someone else's body - so darn much. But Wanderer was a pure soul. A lovely 'person' who in the end found just where she belonged. And never at the expense of Mel's body. The romance angle was heartbreaking. And just as amazing as the rest of the book.

Anyway, I could go on and on about how much I LOVED this book, and why, but I think the post would be way too long if I did. LOL. I'll just end it by saying that this is a BRILLIANT book filled with amazing characters, and I'll be looking out for all of Stephenie Meyer's books. Definitely.

Friday, 28 November 2008


It's not raining stars here in Sydney, but it is raining. Actually, it's been raining pretty much all day. It usually bugs me. A lot. But to be honest, today I don't mind. I got to go for my two daily walks without having to deal with it, so that's fine.

I just hope it doesn't rain too hard later tonight, when it's time to pick my hubby up from work. I'm really looking forward to it. It means the weekend is here! Yay.

I've been feeling really exhausted this week.

After finishing up my NaNoWriMo novel the other day, I took a few notes down for the third installment. Not too many, just enough that I won't forget what's in my head right now. But that's all the writing stuff I've done. I mean, sure, I've been thinking about it a lot. There are two novels that are really getting under my skin, but I doubt I'll do any new novel writing until Feb/March next year. My daughter gets summer holidays soon and hubby is having a month off, starting mid-January.

So, I probably won't be very productive. Still, it'll be nice to have a break. I think. ;) And I'm sure I'll squeeze in a little something here or there. No point in thinking about that now. First, there's December. My revision/idea month. Yeah. That sounds cool. :)

Anyway. Not much going on around here at the moment. I've been taking it easy these last two days. I've been reading THE HOST by Stephenie Meyer. Hell, it's another one of those addictive reads. I can't put the darn thing down. I'm already at page 300-something. Must. Read. More.

This is a really interesting book. I'm lovin' it. Have any of you read it?

Well, have a great weekend!

Wednesday, 26 November 2008

I did it!

Yep. This is my third successful attempt at NaNoWriMo. Yay!

Technically, I reached the 50k mark on Monday night. Then yesterday, I got the first draft finished. Today, I sat down with lappy and re-read the last two chapters I wrote. Before going to bed last night, I remembered two things that I forgot to tie up. It happens sometimes. I get so caught up on getting the story out that I leave things out. Lol.

Not a prob. I've added everything now. So, the word count went up a little again. The first draft weighed in at 56,194 words. That will probably go up when I do the second and third drafts, but for now the story is told. And I'm very happy with how it's turned out.

Some new things happened along the way, and they all help set up the third/final novel in this trilogy. Funny thing is that the names I've been toying with no longer seem to apply. So it looks like I need to come up with a new trilogy name, as well as the three titles. :/ Why is it so hard to nail the perfect title sometimes?

I've started to read THE HOST by Stephenie Meyer. Anyone read it? I've only just started but the premise sounds interesting. It's a long book, so I'm going to take my time with it. Of course, as the story moves along, if I get hooked on it I won't want to put it down. Lol.

Well, I'm gonna get going now. Gotta listen to Mr. Brightside another one hundred times before my daughter gets home. Lol.

Tuesday, 25 November 2008


Dr. Emily Drake’s patients tend to be a little unusual. Instead of the typical therapist’s caseload of midlife crises and mother fixations, Emily treats vampires with blood phobias and sex-demons looking for meaningful relationships. But her gift for recognizing and healing the Other—those creatures of the night that most humans don’t even know exist—requires a few house rules. First: Never trust a shifter. Especially not one like Detective Colin Gyth whose gold-flecked eyes and predatory air make Emily realize how much she’s been longing to lose control…

Colin can’t believe the doctor he’s been assigned to work with on the Night Butcher murder investigation is the one person who could expose his true identity as a wolf shifter. Smart, sexy, and stubborn as hell, Emily brings out the alpha male in Colin, unleashing a wild, heady desire that takes them both over the edge.

But in the shadows, the Night Butcher waits…eager to spill Emily’s blood and taste her terror. And he’ll use any means to destroy her, including the one person she has grown to trust…

I love the colour of this cover, it gives the guy on the cover an Other look. :)

Anyway, onto the story... it was awesome! The chemistry and heat between Emily and Colin is scorching and sizzles off the page. But that wasn't all. I loved this story. Everything - the different POVs, the mystery, the outcome, the characters, the suspense, the world Cynthia has created. All of it! Actually, I enjoyed it so much that I've already ordered the second one in this trilogy. And check out the third one. Lovely cover, but so long to wait between books. :(

This story grabbed me from the very first page, so it's no wonder that I was glued to it and managed to read it in just under 48 hours. Today, I got so caught up in the story that I decided to put my own writing aside so I could get to the end. The tension got so thick that I just had to see how it all turned out. I wasn't disappointed.

I know I'll be watching Cynthia Eden from now on. She's a great discovery.

Monday, 24 November 2008

SUPERNATURAL rocked again!

It's supposed to be spring! Hell, we're about a week from summer and the weather is too cold. It's constantly raining, and I even saw on the news that it's snowing somewhere in NSW. Really, that's WTF? territory.

I'm not asking for much. I'd just like each season to act accordingly. I had enough of the cold weather during winter. And that's how it should be, right? Darn it. Bring back the sun!

Lol. That's me whining about the weather. I knida do that a lot, don't I?

Anyway. I just finished my first writing session for today and have stopped @ 47,129 words. Gosh. I'm so darn close to the 50k mark. To be honest, I'm hoping to cross it tonight. Really. not sure if it's where the story will end, though. But I don't care about that, I'll keep on writing until the story's told. Still, my deadline for that is tomorrow. OMGosh! Yep. I love to set personal goals.

Speaking of which, I've been thinking a lot about that lately. My head is swarming with plans for 2009. I think the direction of my writing overall is going to change a little, but nothing's set yet because I'm saving that kind of planning for next month. Still, it's fun to get excited about goals for the new year. Is anyone else already thinking about 2009, or am I just getting ahead of myself? I find that December is a really hard month for me to focus on writing something new, so this year I'm going to fill it up with revision, planning, reading, and story note-taking.

Well, it's time to go. Gotta walk over to pick my daughter up from school now. See ya!

Saturday, 22 November 2008


In the alleys of the decrepit Boston neighborhood known as the Weird, fairy prostitutes are turning up dead. The crime scenes show signs of residual magic, but the Guild, which polices the fey, has more "important" crimes to investigate and dumps the case on human law enforcement.

Boston police call in Connor Grey, a druid and former hotshot Guild investigator-whose magical abilities were crippled after a run-in with a radical environmentalist elf. As Connor battles red tape and his own shortcomings, he realizes that the murders are not random, but part of an ancient magical ritual. And if Connor can't figure out the killer's M.O., the culmination of the spell might just bring about a worldwide cataclysm.

This is the first book in the Connor Grey series. I can't believe this one slipped my urban-fantasy-radar, but I'm really glad that I caught it. As a result, I've already ordered the second book and have added the third to my 2009 to-buy list.

Yep. I'm hooked. :)

I don't need to tell you anything about the story because it's already in the blurb above, but I will say that it rocked! Honestly, great book! I really like Connor and can't wait to read more about him and his situation, because I know something's gonna happen with his current lack of abilities. Lots of fascinating characters that I can't wait to meet up again with, too.

This book's a winner and I love the character's name. :D

I just love it when the world of Faerie is shown as the dangerous and mysterious place it really is... ;)

Wednesday, 19 November 2008


It wasn't raining yet when I went for a walk this morning, and the kitty I ran into was a lot smaller than the one in the picture, but this morning I met up with a cute cat. It's one that I always run into. She's a sweet little thing - according to her owner, she recently had kitties - and I hadn't seen her for a bit. But she still seemed to remember me.

I love running into the neighbourhood cats. They're so darn cute. :)

Anyway. The reading is going well. The writing is going well too.

I started reading this book last night and have now reached page 50. Yay! It looks like another winner, too. And I'm now up to 37,150 words in my NaNo story. I won't get a chance to add any new words this afternoon, but I will tonight. My aim is to get past the 40k mark. That would be totally awesome. And since I've almost reached my week's word count goal, I'm feeling pretty good about the progress. Finally. Had a few ups and downs last week, huh?

Well. I think I'll go have some fruit and then try to squeeze in another chapter of my current read before I have to trek out in the rain. Bye!

Tuesday, 18 November 2008


Everything has a cost. And every act of magic exacts a price from its user--maybe a two-day migraine, or losing the memory of your first kiss. But some people want to use magic without paying, and they offload the cost onto an innocent. When that happens, it falls to a Hound to identify the spell's caster--and Allison Beckstrom's the best there is.

Daughter of a prominent Portland businessman, Allie would rather moonlight as a Hound than accept the family fortune--and the many strings that come with it. But when she discovers a little boy dying from a magical offload that has her father's signature all over it, Allie is thrown back into the high-stakes world of corporate espionage and black magic.

Now, Allie's out for the truth--and the forces she finds herself calling on will overturn everything she knows, change her in ways she could never imagine...and make her capable of things that powerful people will do anything to control.

WOW! This book was amazing! I loved every minute of it. It fit perfectly into the category I've mentally setup for myself, which involves urban fantasy books that make me feel relaxed and cozy whenever I sit down to read them. It's an amazing thing for a writer to be able to suck in a reader so much they feel this way. And, I love it when that happens!

OMG! Devon Monk did a fantastic job with this book. I was sucked in from the very beginning. Actually, since I read the first chapter in a sampler she sent me. Allie is just one of those characters that I know I'm going to love reading about for a long time to come. And Zay. Yikes! I need to know more about him. More about this wonderful world of magic she's created. More, more, more!

I can't wait for the next book.The chemistry between Allie and Zay was awesome. And Devon's writing was terrific. I love her voice and style. Yep, this book's a winner!

Monday, 17 November 2008

*no clever title today*

So, is everyone still enjoying SUPERNATURAL? I know I am. :) I'm looking forward to seeing what the angels do about this girl who can hear their frequency.

One thing I've always enjoyed about angels during my research, is how easily they can be portrayed as something other than just a cloud-dwelling entity. I mean, like in SUPERNATURAL, they're supposed to be God's warriors, right? Always engaged in the war between Heaven and Hell, so it makes sense that like any other war, there are going to be innocent casualties. But how Sam and Dean are going to deal with that is what I can't wait to see.

I've written two novels (in what will become a trilogy) dealing with angels, and of course, I've twisted a lot of my research to suit my personal mythos. And it's a lot of fun.

I'll never forget the chaos the angels caused in the second book of Simon R. Green's Nightside series. It was so visual and awesome! I love this series. :) Lol. I'm getting a little sidetracked.

Anyway. My NaNoWriMo novel has nothing to do with angels. But it is going well. I've now hit 31,086 words. The hubby's doing lates this week, so I'll probably split my waiting time for him tonight with adding another (hopefully) 2k, and reading some more of this excellent book. I'm halfway through already, and it totally rocks!

Well, it's almost time to head on over to my daughter's school. We've got to pick up a package this afternoon. I hope it's this book. ;) Bye!

Saturday, 15 November 2008


Jaz Parks has enough trouble in her personal life. What she doesn't need is more trouble with her vampire boss and another mission. This time she has to retrieve a vital piece of biotechnology by killing the maniac who stole it: an ancient Chinese vamp. Their cover in this mission: professional entertainers at the Corpus Christi's Winter Festival.

The crew's all here: a psychic, a techno-wizard, a singing vampire, a juggling PI, and Jaz. Holy crap in a bottomless well, Jaz is going to bellydance. It's definitely, probably, quite possibly going to be the end of the world as we know it.

This is Jaz Parks #2. I loved the first one and have the next two sitting on my TBR pile. And after reading this one, I can't wait. Lol. But I have to sneak in a few other UF books before #3 because I've been aching to get stuck into them. So much to read, so little time.

Anyway. This book was awesome! I got stuck into it and didn't want to put it down. I absolutely love it when that happens. Jaz is a very likeable character and the situations are made even more interesting because of her profession. Oh, and Vayl is really starting to grow on me. ;) I can't wait for their mutual attraction to become more, though I totally understand why it hasn't yet. Jaz has some issues she needs to deal with, and I think she's done a great job at starting in this installment.

I'm a total fan and will continue to read this series because it's fantastic!

Friday, 14 November 2008


Well, Wednesday was a great day with hubby. And yesterday was cleaning day. Though, technically, that'll continue this afternoon.

Yesterday I vacuumed the whole house and today I will mop up the tiled floors. It's a lot of work, but it has to be done, right? Lol.

My cat got upset that I was cleaning, though. And as I was passing by him in the laundry (cleaned that too), he swiped me with his paw. I felt a burning sensation in my ear and something went flying into the sink. It was my sleeper (small hoop) earring. Ouch! I took a look in the mirror and he actually tore one of the piercings. I have two in each earlobe. It still stings today, and it looks like it's not going to be safe to stick the earring back in.

So, I've decided to let this piercing close up. Not sure if I'll end up keeping just the one on that ear, or maybe remove that one too and keep only the two in my left ear. Uh - decisions, decisions! :)

Sometimes this kitty surprises me. He's got so much strength for such a little bugger. And all because he got upset about my cleaning. I guess everything smells different without the combination of dust and cat hair! ;) He's gonna hate me this afternoon then.

Well, enough about that.

I just got through today's writing session and I'm now sitting @ 27,742. I made it past my goal for this week! Yay. I'm back on track, baby! Fingers crossed that it continues into the next week because the rest of the story is really panning out for me. I've still got two characters to introduce - one which will be the heroine in book #3. Exciting!

This weekend I'd like to get a few more notes jotted down about this tale. Oh, and I've only got 100 pages left to read of this awesome book, so I hope to finish it. :)

Have a great one!

ytd word count: 368,326

Monday, 10 November 2008

It's a new week...

... and I'm almost scared to get stuck into it. Lol. After last week's shocker, who can blame me? :)

Anyway. It's Monday and I've already added some words to my NaNo story. I added about 2k and decided to take a break so that the lappy can recharge a little before I hit it with some more words. ;) I'm almost at 16k, so that's very cool.

It's the hubby's early week, so I get to write during the day. Plus, he gets home earlier than usual. He's also taking Wednesday off, so that's super cool. We get to spend the day together, although that does mean no words. Still, I can handle that.

Well, over the weekend we caught up on BURN NOTICE and SUPERNATURAL. Plus, DEXTER. OMG! Are these three shows awesome or what? Can't wait to see what happens to Michael after that explosion. Yikes! The giant teddy in SUPERNATURAL? How funny was that? And DEXTER - just when I was positive the show couldn't possibly get any better, it does!! I love it.

Well, the novel's going good. The hero and heroine are finally together. It's not going to be a nice and happy ride, but I'm really excited about writing it. They've met before, so there's a little bit of something there already, but to delve into their love and let their individual probs cloud the way is going to be interesting. Oh, and if you throw a psycho villain in there too, and a few subplots that'll open the way for book #3, yeah, I'm excited!

Well, have a nice day!

Friday, 7 November 2008


Yep. Definitely.

This week has been a little up-and-down for me. Not a very comfy week to embark on writing a new novel while participating in NaNoWriMo. :/

I haven't done any reading.

Although I did start researching a new novel idea yesterday. I think it's going to be a fun one that at the moment is just a teeny-tiny thing percolating inside my head. But I'm excited anyway.

Okay, here's my NaNo update: as of last night I was sitting @ 11,596 words. Less than 1k away from my weekly target, so I'm grateful that I at least had the chance to catch up. Next week's going to be a different story because I'm so into the swing of this story that I hated to stop. But there was no choice. It was late and lappy had no juice. Lol. :)

As you all know, Fridays aren't very productive for me. And today the hubby went to work super late, so we only just got home from dropping him off. It was awesome to have him home all day, but the traffic was a killer on the way back. We also stopped by the library. Good to see my daughter's enjoying the books she's been borrowing. Even the library was full, though.

Phew. I'm glad we're home now. Soon, it'll be time to get dinner ready, tidy up afterward and I might get my daughter to watch a movie so that I can add some new words. Gotta meet that weekly target and back it up all over the place so that I don't lose anything else...

Anway, have a great weekend!

ytd word count: 353,936

Monday, 3 November 2008

Mondays seem to suck lately!

Yep. They do.

The weekend was great. I had a great time with my hubby and daughter watching a few things, going for walks, and ducking into a few places. It was cool. I even managed to squeeze in the first round of edits for another one of my upcoming CP releases, THE CAT'S CHARM.

Then Monday rocks around. This morning was great - I got some yoga done, the hubby and I went for a nice long walk, we had a nice lunch, and hung out together before it was time for him to go to work. Then he leaves. I grab my NaNo notes and lappy and sit on the couch. But when I plug in my 2GB USB stick, nothing is accessible. Actually, the writing underneath each folder looks like gibberish. Nothing makes sense. So, I pull it out and try it on the other two computers we have. Nope, still the same incoherent type.

I'm screaming mad by this time because I'm slowly realising that the USB stick is totally stuffed and there are things on there that I haven't copied anywhere else. Not even onto my lappy. So, I've lost a bunch of pictures, the first chapter of a new novel idea I had a few weeks ago, and the first chapter of a new novella I started last week. That's all I can remember so far. I'm positive I'll think of other things soon... like all those freebie eBooks I downloaded. :/

Now, because of all this crap, I still haven't started my NaNo novel. I was so excited and ready to roll this afternoon and then later tonight, but now I can't concentrate on anything. All I want to do is update what I can remember/salvage onto my 1GB sticks. :/

I think the one thing I will concentrate on tonight is getting the second round of edits for THE CAT'S CHARM done. At least it'll be some progress and the day won't feel like a total waste. All I can do is cross my fingers and hope that tomorrow ends up being a better day, so I can finally get my novel started.

Luckily, there's still a lot of time before now and the end of the month...

Monday, 27 October 2008


Stanley Yelnats is under a curse. A curse that began with his no-good-dirty-rotten-pig-stealing-great-great-grandfather and has since followed generations of Yelnats. Now Stanley has been unjustly sent to a boys' detention center, Camp Green Lake, where the warden makes the boys "build character" by spending all day, every day, digging holes: five feet wide and five feet deep. It doesn't take long for Stanley to realize there's more than character improvement going on at Camp Green Lake. The boys are digging holes because the warden is looking for something. Stanley tries to dig up the truth in this inventive and darkly humorous tale of crime and punishment--and redemption.

I watched the movie earlier this year, with my hubby and daughter, and we loved it! So, when I went to the library on Friday and happened to find the book on the shelf, I just had to borrow it. I was curious. Could the book be just as good as the movie? From personal experience, I assumed it would be better.

Well, I decided to start it this morning and by mid-afternoon I was already sitting past the halfway mark. I got so caught up in it, I didn't want to put it down. And I finished it tonight, just before the new day started. ;)

It was just as interesting, heartwarming and wonderful as the movie. Actually, it was pretty much exactly like the movie. There were only a few, very tiny details that were different. Nothing huge. The movie captured the essence and feel of the book so well. I couldn't get over it. It's amazing to capture every bit of a book so well on film. But it's awesome!

Anyway, I loved the book. What a terrific story, you just can't help but love Stanley as he goes on this very unexpected adventure. Definitely worth reading! I love this story.

Having a few connection probs...

Yeah. I'm sitting here listening to My Chemical Romance at the moment, really enjoying their tunes. Man, they're cool! And this album totally compliments my current mood. :p

Anyway. I'm a little pissed off with our internet connection at the moment. I haven't been able to check my emails for 24 hours. And that always makes me cranky. I mean, there might be no new emails at the moment, but I just like to know. Does that make sense? It's amazing how much I depend on the internet being up and running whenever I need it.

Let's hope all these probs get fixed up soon. Doesn't technology suck sometimes? It offers you all these weird and wonderful things, hooks you in, and then decides to malfunction and totally throws you out! :/

What can you do but wait? I'm lucky I even managed to log in now. So, I thought I'd take the opportunity to write a little post. I'm not sure if it'll be up and running later on. Lol.

How was your weekend? Mine was great! Like always, right? I just wish it was longer than two days. ;)

Okay. I think I better not push my luck anymore than I already have. This week is going to be all about planning. I'm going to sit down and figure out more of the novel I'll be working on for NaNoWriMo. And might even squeeze in some other planning. I don't think I'll do any actual new words this week, though. I'll save that for next week!

Have a nice day!

Sunday, 26 October 2008


In the shadows of Nocturne City, witches lurk and demons prowl, and homicide detective Luna Wilder must keep the peace - while living life as a werewolf. Now bodies are turning up all over town, the brutal murders linked by a cryptic message: We see with empty eyes.

To make matters worse for Luna, she can't get wolfishly handsome Dmitri Sandovsky out of her mind. The last time he helped her with a case, Dmitri suffered a demon bite that infected him with a mysterious illness.and now his pack elders have forbidden him from associating with Luna. But she'll need his help when high-level witches start turning up slaughtered. Because a war is brewing between rival clans of blood witches and caster witches - a magical gang war with the power to burn Nocturne City to the ground.

This is the second book in the Nocturne City series, and wow! It really packed a punch.

Luna is a tough-as-nails homicide detective who also happens to be a werewolf. A werewolf without a pack. As you can imagine, things are a little rough for her. And after the events of NIGHT LIFE, she's left with certain scars. One of them happens to be the now demon-infected, Dmitri. He's taken off and left her alone, but when he returns, he does with some extra baggage. Add a string of murders that at first sight seem to be overdoses, and Luna's got her hands full.

I love the pace of this story. I loved the way Luna reacted to everything and how vulnerable she becomes even though she's a tough chick. The case was interesting too, and I'm really enjoying my stay in this dark city Caitlin has created.

This is definitely another series you should be reading. ;) I can't wait to see what happens in SECOND SKIN...

Wednesday, 22 October 2008


From Melbourne's gleaming skyscrapers to its throbbing nightclubs, Riley Jenson's world is raging with danger and desire. A drop-dead-gorgeous werewolf - with a touch of vamp coursing in her blood - Riley works for an organization created to police the supernatural races. But when she wakes up naked and bruised in a barren alley, she knows only that she must run for her life.

Within moments Riley collides with the sexiest man she's ever seen: steely, seductive Kade, who is fighting a life-and-death battle of his own. With old lovers and enemies gathering around her, Riley knows she is being pursued by a new kind of criminal. Because in Riley's blood is a secret that could create the ultimate warrior - if only she can survive her own dangerous desires…

This is the second book in the Riley Jenson Guardian series. Just like the first one, the plot was intense, filled with action and hot, hot, hot! I love what Keri's done with the werewolves, vampires and shifters of this world. Not to mention that it's awesome to read about a world set in Australia. It's super cool. Mostly it's in Melbourne, but Riley and Quinn go to Sydney in this one. ;)

The danger in Riley's life reaches maximum overdrive in the final chapters, but I have a feeling that it'll just get more serious as the series moves along. I can't wait to find out. What about all those hot guys in her life? Lol. Great series!

Friday, 17 October 2008


Half-vampire Cat Crawfield is now Special Agent Cat Crawfield, working for the government to rid the world of the rogue undead. She's still using everything Bones, her sexy and dangerous ex, taught her, but when Cat is targeted for assassination, the only man who can help her is the vampire she left behind.

Being around him awakens all her emotions, from the adrenaline kick of slaying vamps side by side to the reckless passion that consumed them. But a price on her head—wanted: dead or half-alive—means her survival depends on teaming up with Bones. And no matter how hard she tries to keep things professional between them, she'll find that desire lasts forever . . . and that Bones won't let her get away again.

Wow, talk about gorgeous covers. This is beautiful! You should check out the cover for the third one. It's beautiful too! I can't wait to get my hands on it...

This is the second book in the Night Huntress series. Yikes! I didn't think this series could get any better or more kick-ass after reading the first book, but I was terribly wrong. It only gets better.

Four years after she walked away from the very alluring Bones, Cat is a Special Agent and has not only trained a team of very capable humans, but has started dating again. Well, until Bones steps back into the picture. You're not going to believe just how she runs into him. I loved it! Anyway, add to the mix that someone is trying to kill her, and there's no way Cat can keep her distance from Bones. Why would she want to. ;) Lol.

Anyway. Another fantastic installment with just the right combination of action, mystery, kick-ass, emotion, love, and sexiness. Yeah, you totally wanna check this series out. Go on!

Thursday, 16 October 2008


Some people worship them. Some people fear them. And some people—like Morgan Kingsley—go up against them toe-to-toe, flesh-to-flesh, and power against power. An exorcist by trade, Morgan is one of the few humans with an aura stronger than her possessor, even though her demon can tease her body senseless. She's also a woman who has just discovered a shocking truth: everything she once believed about her past, her identity, may have been a lie…

With a family secret exploding around her and with a full-scale demon war igniting, Morgan is a key player in an unsettled world. Then a rogue, sociopathic demon enters her life with a bang. His name is The Hunter. And since she is the prey, Morgan has only one choice: to hunt The Hunter down—no matter what heartbreaking truths she uncovers on the way…

Okay. This series has officially made it on the list of my (ever-growing) fave urban fantasy series books. Does that make sense? I'm lovin' Morgan's attitude. I mean, with all the stuff she's going through, is it any wonder that she reacts the way she does? Nope. I also like that although she's tough, there are still so many facets of her life that weaken her.

The concept of this series is fantastic and I've already strapped in to enjoy the ride. Lots of secrets were revealed in this one, and the overall plot just gets thicker and thicker. I can't help but wonder just where this is all going to end. Wherever it leads, I'm looking forward to reading all of the installments.

It was nice meeting her brother Andrew, but I was devastated by what happend to him in the end. :( Oh, and the more we get to learn about Dom and Adam, the better. ;) Not to mention Lugh.

Actually, the third book comes out in November. So I can't wait!

Monday, 13 October 2008


Exorcism isn’t a job, it’s a calling—and a curse. Just ask Morgan Kingsley, a woman who has a stronger aura than any demon. Or so she thought. Now, in a pair of black leather pants and a kick-ass tattoo, Morgan is heading back to Philadelphia after a nasty little exorcism—and her life is about to be turned upside down…by the demon that’s gotten inside her.

Not just any demon. Six feet five inches of dark, delicious temptation, this one is to die for—that is, if he doesn’t get Morgan killed first. Because while some humans vilify demons and others idolize them, Morgan’s demon is leading a war of succession no human has ever imagined. For a woman trying to live a life, and hold on to the almost-perfect man, being possessed by a gorgeous rebel demon will mean a wild ride of uninhibited thrills, shocking surprises, and pure, unadulterated terror…

Don't you love this cover? I love it! And the title too. :) Oh, and of course, I LOVED the actual book. Lol.

I started reading a different book on Friday, but after getting 60 pages in, I just had to put it down. I couldn't get into it. So, I went over to my bookshelf to pick out a book that I was sure I would enjoy. And this is the one I picked out. You know what? I wasn't wrong. As soon as I picked it up and started reading, I was hooked.

Morgan's a great and interesting character. A very strong woman, who also happens to be an exorcist, and gets caught up in a huge mess. In a world where demons exist in a fascinating and intricate society, she gets rid of the demons who enter humans illegally. Except, what happens when one of them is inside her?

Yep. It's a fantastic and very unpredictable ride. With lots of sexy men, a loyal boyfriend and many, many dangerous situations. I love this dark, new world Jenna's created. And I can't wait to read the rest of the series. I have the second one already and will get the third as soon as it's released. ;)

Have you read this book? If so, what did you think? I reckon it's (once again) urban fantasy at its best. No wonder I adore this genre!

Friday, 10 October 2008

Friday stuff

Isn't this picture cute? You know, it's getting to that time of the year when I like to pull out THE NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS to watch it all over again.

Somewhere between Halloween and Christmas is when I like to sit down with my daughter to do this. :)

I never get sick of this movie. It's awesome!

Well, my daughter and I just finished doing a little beading. She loves getting together to do this, and to be honest, it's a lot of fun. She made a lovely necklace - using a shell she found at the beach during a school excursion - and a book thong. I made a bracelet and two book thongs. I should've taken a photo and posted it here. Oh well, maybe next time.

Last night I wrote a little something new. I think I've mentioned that I've been wrapping up my notes and research for the first draft I finished last month. Well, yesterday, there was something bothering me about a certain aspect of the backstory. And so, I opened a new Word doc and decided to let the character speak to me. It's not the heroine in the novel, it's someone else. But the whispers were loud enough for me to put together a little something that sits just below 2k.

Now, it's all clearer. I'm so darn glad I did this, and can't wait to have this character introduced into this world that even now is still consuming my brain. :)

Well, have a great weekend!

ytd word count: 337,584


Gabrielle Cody has accepted her destiny as one of God’s warriors, charged to destroy evil. When surrounded by violence, she must be ready for anything, but Gaby wasn’t prepared to see Detective Luther Cross ever again. He’s the beacon of reality in her life, the one thing that makes her feel human, like a real woman.

But Gaby can’t get caught up with Luther now. She has work to do, this time protecting the street walkers. But Luther gives her purpose, something more than just working at God’s whim.

Yet her life of retribution is far too dangerous even for Luther, and this time, it’s not just their hearts that won’t come out unscathed.

Okay, this series is seriously AWESOME! Gaby and Luther are characters that stay with you way after you've finished the book. I know because I'm still thinking about them now. Amazing!

After posting the blurb, I just don't know what else to say without spoiling it for everyone. But let's just say that I loved it. Gaby's trying to distance herself from the attraction that Luther forces in her, but... Of course, a lot of other stuff happens in between. Lots of action and even some pretty gruesome scenes. The different POVs really work with this series. I love knowing what's going on inside both of their heads, and even the villain. :)

Anyway. I'm not saying anymore... except, maybe, WOW!

PS. What about that beautiful cover, huh? ;)

Wednesday, 8 October 2008

Nice and comfy

I want to start today's post by saying Happy Birthday to Hubby! Yay. It's a shame he had to go to work, but I hope he has a great day anyway. We had an awesome morning together!

My daughter and I just got back from our daily walk. It's a beautiful sunny spring day today. Not cold, not hot. Nice and comfy, as long as you're in a tee and wearing a hat. It was nice. I love walking beside the river. It's calming. I feel a little tired now, though.

Why is it always so hard to get back on track after a wonderful long weekend? I know. It's Wednesday already, so I should be in the full swing of the week, right? Wrong. I just wish we had another one coming up this weekend. Lol. Can't wait for hubby to have some time off work. That would be awesome!

Well, what's new with you?

This is the second week of my daughter's school holidays. She goes back next Monday. I think I've been quite productive, even though I've been realistic about my goal setting. Nothing too huge, and definitely no new writing done but that's fine. For the rest of the week, I've only got several brainstorming sessions I'd like to tackle, and some more note-taking for the first draft/new world I've created. Heck. I just realised it doesn't have a name, and neither does the first installment. Lol.

Oh, and I'm reading this book at the moment. It's really cool so far.

Okay, have a great day!

Saturday, 4 October 2008


Anna Strong was a tough-as-nails bounty hunter until the night she was attacked by a vampire – and changed forever…

Since then, Anna has struggled to adapt to her supernatural status while clinging to the vestiges of her humanity. Avery - the sinister vampire who transformed her - is dead, and Anna learns that she’s entitled to his vast fortune. Then a predatory werewolf comes forward, claiming to be Avery’s widow. She demands the entire estate and makes it clear that she and her pack think nothing of killing Anna – and those who matter to her – to get what’s owed them. Now Anna must protect those she loves from a werewolf out for the two most precious things in the world: blood…and money.

This is the fourth Anna Strong book. Man, do I love this series! It's totally engrossing and kick ass. Anna's one tough vamp. I love her cocky attitude - with a little thread of fear and vulnerability beneath it all.

A lot has changed for her in this book, and she gets herself caught up in an ordeal she never expected - helping Gloria. David's girlfriend and Anna have never seen eye-to-eye, but now she needs Anna's help to prove her innocence. And boy, what a ride!

Loved it! Kept me guessing until the end. Enjoyed the werewolf stuff, too. Love the little twist. Both of the supernatural and human kind. Wonder how France is going to get worked into future books. Okay, that's it. I can't say anymore without adding spoilers. ;)

Just check it out for yourself. Jeanne's an awesome author!

Thursday, 2 October 2008


Weather Warden Joanne Baldwin is on vacation when her Djinn lover, David, asks Joanne to marry him. She’s thrilled to say yes, even if some others may be less than happy about it.

Unfortunately, Joanne’s pre-marital bliss is ended by a devastating earthquake in Florida. And she can’t ask David and his kind for assistance. Because the cause of the quake is unlike anything Joanne has ever encountered—and a power even the Djinn cannot perceive.

I swear, the fantastic books just keep on coming this year. No wonder I love urban fantasy so much. Every single UF book I've read is amazing! And now, I can add this one to the list. Of course, I never had any doubt. I absolutely adore this series. Rachel Caine rocks!

And, well, I don't think I need to say anymore. It was great, I loved it and can't wait for the other ones. But in the meantime, there are a few free short stories that I can check out.

If you're not reading this series, you should be. Trust me, just reading about David makes it worthwhile. ;)

Monday, 29 September 2008

TV Weekend

So, on Friday night we finished off SEX AND THE CITY. It was SO cool to see the whole series a second time. And I'm happy to say that the hubby loved the show too.

Can't wait to see the movie! It's released in the middle of October, here in Oz. So we'll be borrowing and watching it as soon as we get it. It'll be good to catch up with the characters and see if the movie feels the same as the show.

On Saturday night, we caught up on SUPERNATURAL.

I've been hanging to see how the new season was going to go. And man, wow! My mind's buzzing with the possibilities already. It's so good to catch up with Dean and Sam. And of course, when Bobby's around, it's that much better too. :) I really like where they're going. I've always been fascinated with Angels and Demons. I've explored it in several of my own stories (this is one). Anyway, I'm liking the angel angle and can't wait to see why they need Dean. Although I have a theory that includes the two brothers now sitting on the opposite side of the spectrum. ;)

Loved the first two episodes. Bring on the rest!
Last night we watched the first two episodes of FRINGE. I've been intrigued by the concept since I saw the first ad. One of the channels here has decided to play it about a week behind the U.S. so that's always great news.

The verdict: Wow! I'm hooked. Actually, my hubby is hooked too. I wasn't sure if he would like it because he wasn't an X-FILES fan. Oh, and I wasn't sure if both of us would like it because the guy from LOST had something to do with it. LOST, IMO, is a total mess. You never find out anything. But it looks like this one's different.

There's a deeper, longer thread happening from the beginning, but each new case seems to be self-contained. I like that. Actually, I can't wait to see more. It's a definite keeper.

On Sunday, we're going to watch THE MENTALIST, which has the Aussie actor, Simon Baker. He's great, and the concept of the show sounds interesting. Oh, and the second season of CALIFORNICATION starts the same night too. Loved the first season, can't wait to see how they screw up the characters in this one. LMAO.

There you have it. We're once again back into TV-show galore. :D I need to find out when HEROES starts here, too.

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