Friday, 25 August 2023
More Revision!
Thursday, 17 August 2023
Revision Time!
Hey! How are you today? I know I'm a little late, but welcome to August. Yay.
Have a great day!!
Thursday, 10 August 2023

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
My husband found this book today while we were thrifting, and of course we had to buy it. I mean, it's a book about girl power featuring a bunch of very cool women who also happen to be superheroes.
I think this is a terrific way of introducing comic book heroes to kids. I think both girls and boys would benefit from reading this. Little girls so they can feel represented, and little boys so they learn early that it's not only men who can be superheroes. Besides, the characters in this book will appeal to everyone.
The pictures are bright and lovely. The superpowers are simplified perfectly for a much younger audience. And I love the message.
Oh, and I might not be the target audience, but I really enjoyed this book! 😁
KINDRED by Octavia E. Butler

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I've had this book on my TBR pile for a while. It was one I found during our pre-Covid thrifting. So, I decided to see if I liked the sounds of it... and once I started, I couldn't stop reading.
On her twenty-sixth birthday, Dana is transported from her comfortable life in 1976 to another time. A time in history when white people used slaves and didn't much value anything or anyone. While she struggles to find the reason why this is happening, she's forced to endure awful hardships that alter her life forever...
Wow. Saying that I really enjoyed this book sounds both blasphemous and accurate. It's such a powerful work of fiction, an essential book that delves deep into the harsh and unjust lives of slaves in the nineteenth century. What Dana is forced to endure, as well as what she witnesses and hears about what others are put through, is despicable. And so very sad.
I was uncomfortable during most of this book. My heart broke with every new chapter. I found Dana's voice compelling and strong. A modern woman who is thrust into a past that is full of danger for someone like her. And in spite of all the cruelty and pain, she remains determined to see this mysterious circumstance to the very end.
While I REALLY liked Dana and Kevin, as well as Nigel, Alice, Sarah, Carrie, and all the other unforgettable slaves, I DESPISED Rufus and John. Actually, all the white people (except for Kevin) in this book were atrocious. Absolutely vulgar and heartless. A product of their time and willing to be awful just to satisfy their own status. Utterly disgusting.
Anyway, I have a lot to say about that, but I won't. Instead, I'll praise this extraordinary piece of literature.
Tuesday, 8 August 2023
SCARLETT by Brian Bowyer

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I picked this up and read it in one sitting. Yes, it's that good!
Myla's had a bad year and pretty much lost everyone she cared about. At least she's still got her job, which is how she ends up getting back into dating. With some unexpected consequences...
As soon as I started reading this novelette, it hooked me in. I felt so bad for Myla because she suffered a lot of heartache and loss in the last year. No wonder she has trust issues and isn't keen on dating. But then she agrees to meet a mysterious man. He's good looking and seems nice enough, but the story he shares is a lot more interesting than he could ever be.
That's how Myla meets the painting. The one made from the blood of the victim. One who has a lot to say to anyone who will listen.
I love the unpredictability of this short tale. It's fast-paced, fascinating, and leads to a very satisfying conclusion.
Brian's writing style grabs you by the throat and doesn't let go until you've raced from start to finish. And then you want to grab another one of his books!
View all my reviews

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I picked up a copy of this novella the other day and was looking forward to reading it. I mean, look at that awesome cover. And how can I resist a book named after a quote from Heathers? I love that movie!
When Blade—Archibald to everyone but himself—meets the new girl in school, he's totally smitten. Chrissy is different and she actually likes him. Listens to him. And even though she keeps him at a safe distance, she does make him feel good. Until everything changes...
OMG. This story is SO engrossing. I almost read it in one sitting, but it got too late and I had to put it aside to get some sleep.
Anyway, I really enjoyed this vulgar little tale from the POV of a guy who's only real concern is getting off. 😅 So, when he meets a girl who seems to match his energy, he's ecstatic. Except, all is not as it seems. And before Blade realises what he's doing and what is happening, it's too late.
This is a great, bloody story with a nightmarish vibe. Definitely worth checking out.
Monday, 7 August 2023
D&D DUNGEON CLUB: ROLL CALL by Molly Knox Ostertag

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I have to admit that I'm not a huge D&D fan and have never actually played the game. But between Stranger Things and the Dungeons & Dragons movie, I've managed to enjoy D&D from an outsider's perspective.
So when we found this graphic novel for a bargain price over the weekend, we picked it up. And I thought I'd give it a go.
Olivia and Jess are best friends who attend middle school. They're also D&D fans and have been for years. When Olivia wants to invite other players to join them, Jess is opposed to the idea and their friendship hits a rough patch...
Well, this turned out to be an utter delight! The characterisation is amazing. Not to mention how easily these characters managed to weave their way into my head and affect me emotionally. Olivia is an outgoing nice girl who wants to make new friends. Jess is a shy introvert who is happy with the way things are. There's a lot about her past that has shaped and twisted her, made her mistrust and not want to get to know anyone else.
She's also getting bullied, which only adds to her anger and frustration. And when those two emotions combine, she ends up hurting the one person she truly cares about. 😫
Seriously, this is such a great story about friendship and growing up. About not letting the past sour the present, and realising that new people aren't the enemy. It's also about two very creative girls who love D&D.
Loved the artwork, too.
E.T. by Arie Kaplan & Chris Fennell + JAWS by Geof Smith & Kaysi Smith + BACK TO THE FUTURE by Arie Kaplan & Meg Dunn

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I was really young when E.T. was released back in the 80s, and I went to the cinema to watch the movie. I never forgot this adorable alien, or the human friends who loved him enough to help him find his way home. 😢
The story contained within the pages of this adorable Little Golden Book might be simplified, but it still captures the magic and wonder that E.T. always brings out in me. The illustrations are beautiful and bright.
I loved everything about this. It's definitely a keeper! 🛸
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My rating: 5 of 5 stars
As soon as I saw this book, I HAD to have it. I mean, it's Jaws. A classic movie we've all watched and enjoyed at one time or another. Sometimes more than once.
I was also very curious about how they would adapt such a violent and bloody story to make it kid-friendly. Well, they TOTALLY did. Not only is this set in the same place and has the same characters, but it constantly mentions the iconic music we all know and love—Da-dum, Da-dum.
And Jaws, well, if you're wondering how that man-eating shark can be portrayed as cute, you'll have to read this beautiful book. Loved the ending, too.
This one's another keeper! 🦈
View all my reviews

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Ah, Back to Future. Another 80s classic! Who can ever forget Marty McFly and Doc? No one, I suppose.
This is another cute adaptation that follows the story exactly the same way the movie did. It's a lot simpler and very fast-paced, but it's very much the same. Unfortunately, though, even a Little Golden Book with its pretty illustrations and bright colours, can't erase the cringe situation between Marty and his mum in the 50s. 😬
This will be a lovely addition to the growing library! 🕔⚡
Friday, 4 August 2023
A little (unexpected) writing...
How are you today?
Well, I didn't expect to be posting any sort of update this early in the month, but productivity hits when it wants to. LOL.
As the title states, I wasn't planning on starting a new writing project this month. Instead, my plan was to revise the novella I wrote in June. I mean, I would still like to tackle this revision, but had to push it back a bit.
During one of my daily afternoon walks a few weeks ago, a new story idea struck. It's an unexpected tale that came out of nowhere. It's also one that I dismissed as soon as it struck. I mean, there was no way this story was going to work! 😅
The problem is, the next day more moving parts slid into my mind. Still, I didn't want to commit. I already had plans to revise and besides, this thing that wanted to be written was not going to happen. Seriously. How could it when I kept fighting against it?
Yet, in spite my own personal protests, bits and pieces continued to swamp my brain. So, I finally stopped fighting and decided to start taking notes...
Before I realised what was happening, I had PAGES full of stuff. I even started doing research, and naming characters, casting them too. This story was demanding to be told and wasn't going to take no for an answer.
Finally, against my better judgement, I gave it a go. Tried it on for size. And I kept writing, writing, and writing some more.
Here's how it all went down:
- 26/7: 4,563w (+2344 to original beginning)
- 27/7: 7,454w (+2891)
- 28/7: 11,128w (+3674)
- 31/7: 15,112w (+3984)
- 1/8: 19,687w (+4575)
- 2/8: 23,256w (+3,569)
- 3/8: 27,498w (+4242)
- 4/8: 30,161w (+2663)