
Monday, 25 February 2008

Hey, it's the last week of Feb!

On Saturday, the hubby and I introduced our daughter to Monopoly. We've got the Millenium Edition, which looks very different to the board I used to have when I was a kid. Man, I loved playing this. And I thought it would be a cool idea to introduce her to the game and get her used to adding and counting. It worked. She had a lot of fun, but still managed to sulk a little. Yeah, a game isn't a game without a little sulking from her. ;) Lol.

The hubby and I had a great time too. It was a lot of fun. The hubby had reason to enjoy the game. Man, he beat us real good. He pretty much owned the entire board. :)

We've been doing some more cleaning and clearing out. Got some plans for several drastic changes around the place. It'll make everything look nicer and more organised. You know, I think there's too much clutter in the bedrooms. I'm a huge culprit of clutter, especially when I'm in the middle of a project. I've got piles of research, notes and other stuff all over the place. It's what I like to call organised clutter. If there's such a thing.

Anyway, got some more writing done today:

OMG! I'm so close now. I swear, if I could spend the next 24 hours just writing until I get to the end, I would. But then I would be very tired and probably wouldn't eat or sleep much. If at all. Lol. That's probably not a good idea. I'll be happy with getting to the end by Friday. :D

I also got a bunch of reading done over the weekend. Check out the novel and novella I read below. Both were excellent. Lots of fun and mystery. Cool.

Did you guys watch Supernatural? I thought it was an excellent episode. Dean's so funny. I cracked up at the sheriff and deputy comment. Too funny. Oh, and I loved the fact that Lilith's made it into their mythos. I can't wait to see where this goes. I read that it'll be back with another 4 eps in late April. Let's hope that's true. There can never be too much Dean and Sam Winchester, huh? Bring it on.

Also watched the latest episode of Torchwood. What the hell is going on? This whole thing with Owen could go really well. Or it could fail. Because I love this show, I'm going to go with yay, it'll work. We'll see. I enjoyed this ep, though. Cool.

Okay, that's it for me today. I hope you all had a great weekend!

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