
Friday 11 February 2022



The Trivia NightThe Trivia Night by Ali Lowe
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

I was interested in this book because I'm a sucker for domestic thrillers. Plus it's been compared to Big Little Lies, which I really enjoyed. I also like reading books written by Aussies, of course.

Unfortunately, the only comparison I agree with as far as BLL goes is that it's set in a rich coastal suburb, the kids are in primary, and there's a trivia night. The characters here are quite bland, sometimes even interchangeable. Their problems didn't affect me, so I didn't care one way or another. The twists (there are a few) weren't all that shocking or interesting.

It's a shame because it started off well. I was just expecting a thriller-ish tale with complications and intrigue, and instead got a drama full of mothers and fathers acting like fools. I know (from experience) that this mother-clique thing is very real when your kids start primary school, but this story took the concept to a whole new level of ridiculous.

I really wanted to like this book, but I couldn't connect with the characters or the story. It's a shame because the writing style was actually pretty good.

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