
Thursday 19 January 2012

Taking a deep breath

OMG. I can't believe it's been so long since I last dropped in and added a new blog post. But I've been swamped with edits.


It all started last week when I received edits for my upcoming novella, UNSEEN. As I already mentioned, I got the edits done, but then received the galley on Saturday. Of course, by then I'd already started the initial edit for A PATCH OF DARKNESS.

Taking another deep breath.

So, I spent a lot of the weekend reading over the galley. I got it done, emailed my editor, and in the meantime received the proof for RELENTLESS. See, it's crazy, right? ;) So I got that done and emailed. Which brings us to Monday morning, when I got stuck into the edit of  A PATCH OF DARKNESS and spent every available moment working on it...

I finished it last night, but decided to keep it until this morning. I'm glad I did, because after double checking everything, I found a section that still needed a little work. But now, it's done.

Of course, it's done for now. There will be other rounds for APoD, and possibly for UNSEEN. The only one that's definitely done is RELENTLESS. Just waiting to get my final copy of that one. Yay.

So, phew! Have I also mentioned that my daughter's still on school holidays and that hubby has been home sick during the last few days because he had an eye infection? Yeah. Full house and full load of work means hectic me. Still, they were wonderful. Very supportive. They gave me the time and space I needed to get lost in the editing work. Hubby and Daughter are awesome.

Now, I'm tired and a little bleary-eyed. So I want to spend the rest of the day tackling a few guest blog posts I need to take care of before next week, as well as making one of these with my daughter. Well, two of them really. We cut out the shapes on Monday, picked our button eyes, and are now looking forward to putting them together. ;)

Well, see ya later!

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