
Friday, 18 November 2022

NaNoWriMo: Week Three

Hello again! How are you today? I hope you're doing well during these truly weird times. 😳

As the title of this post states, this is the third week of NaNoWriMo. Although I technically reached my 50k goal last Friday, the story wasn't over. So, I kept writing until I reached the end of this first draft.

I have to admit that this story has evolved into something a lot more involved than when I started taking notes during NaNoPrep. It's become twisted, delves much deeper into the depths of human monsters than I intended, has introduced some really screwed up relationships, and even stranger family ties.

Yeah, I'm really enjoying this one. 😅

Writing this tale about one woman's haunting is turning out to be more about the whole town than I initially imagined. And actually contains a bunch of social commentary. Which is very cool.
Anyway, here's this week's word count
  • Monday: 55,376w (added 4,185w)
  • Tuesday: 62,469w (added 7,093w)
  • Wednesday: 66,198w (added 3,729w)
  • Thursday: 74,354w (added 8,156w)
  • Friday: 80,070w (added 5,716w)
Although I reached the end of the story today, I'm not calling it done yet.

The reason is that the last two days were pretty much a blur of words. I spent hours typing, purging everything that was left in a total frenzy, without looking back. When that happens, I like to re-read those chapters one more time. And then I'll call the draft done.

But first, I need to go over my notes and update my last-minute add/check list. Not to mention that I'm lukewarm about the final chapter. I think that needs a bit of work, but that's fine. The bulk of the book is now on the page.

I can't believe it ended up being 80k. Not bad. Not bad at all. 😊

Have an awesome weekend!!

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