
Saturday 2 January 2021

Reading 2021


The start of a new year means a new Goodreads Reading Challenge...

I usually set my annual goal as 100 books, but this year, I've decided to make my 2021 Reading Challenge 50 books.

The main reason is because I have several longer books I'd like to tackle this year. Chunky tomes that are over 700 pages. So, I think lowering the total of my GR Challenge will take some pressure off.

These are some of the other mini-challenges I'd like to complete:
  • Keep a good balance between reading books for review, books from my personal bookshelves, thrift store books, Kindle, Kobo and tablet. (While I kinda managed to do this last year, I want to enhance this.) 
  • Stop putting off highly-anticipated books and read them whenever the mood strikes. (I'm still hopeless at doing this and need to improve.)
  • Continue to catch up on series and trilogy books to get some of these finished. (Once again, I really need to do better with this.)
  • Read more short story collections and anthologies. (I keep failing at this and really need to get better.)
  • I hate DNFing books--and feel bad doing it every time--but it's getting easier. With the amount of books I have, if a book doesn't grab me, I HAVE to put it aside.

As you can tell, my main Reading Goal for this year is to read whatever book I feel like reading whenever I feel like reading it. I'm done with putting pressure on myself.

You can keep up with my progress on My Reading Page or at Goodreads

So, how many books do YOU plan to read this year? 

Here's to another year full of awesome reading!

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