
Friday, 18 December 2020

Finishing Time!


How are you today? 

Can you guys believe we're halfway through December already? Sometimes, it feels like this year went fast and other times it feels like it totally dragged. But I tried to stay as busy as I could.

That brings me to this week's update.

Last week, I completed the third draft of my slasher WIP and took a three-day break before getting started on the final read-thru on Monday. I really enjoy this stage of the revision process because everything looks different on my Paperwhite. It makes all the strange/weird stuff stand out.

Besides, it means that I'm so much closer to completion.

Here's how my week went:
  • Monday: 58/156 (60,220w)
  • Tuesday: 118/156 (60,210w)
  • Wednesday: 156/156 (60,005w)
  • Thursday: 61,044w / 163pgs

Yay! As you can see, I actually reached The End yesterday and I'm SO HAPPY. 😁🎉

I can't believe how a story that started with a very vivid and creepy dream turned into a novel about love, friendship and murder. Oh, and thanks to hubby, I ended up making a few tweaks/additions that really added an extra spark I wasn't expecting.

This is a tweet I posted back in July just before getting stuck into it in August:

I'm very proud of this story and am really happy with how it turned out. Now I've got the usual story hangover and am feeling a combination of happy, sad and even a bit lost. This slasher turned out so much better than I expected.

It's very exciting! Not just because I finished this novel, but also because I got it done before the end of the year. And because it means that asides from my NaNoWriMo WIP, every story I've written during 2020 has been completed. Awesome!

Now, I'm going to take the rest of the year off to go through my books, read some more and start dreaming/thinking about my future writing projects.

I really need a bit of a mental break. (Unless any pesky short stories decide to grab my attention. 😊)

Well, that's it for now.

Have a great weekend!

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