
Tuesday 3 April 2018

A Nice Break


I hope you all had a lovely Easter break. We don't celebrate religious holidays, we just celebrate having long weekends. And this was an awesome one.

We enjoyed the hell out of our four days together by sleeping in, relaxing in the morning, going for a lovely long drive, eating delish meals, going for lots of walks, stopping by the shops, and watching a few shows. I even read an awesome  book. 

But mostly it was a great mental break away from the rest of the world. Sometimes you just need some time away from others, and spending time with hubby is one of my most favourite things to do.

Here's a tweet I posted the other day:

One of the unexpected side effects of having such a lovely time and being so happy is that it opened me up to a lot of inspiration. It helped me think about all the projects and ideas I'm working on at the moment.

I've been researching an exciting new idea I got a few weeks ago and everything's coming together nicely, so I've been taking notes and collecting pics as well. I can't wait to get stuck into it. I also need to (finally) finish my current YA horror WIP because it needs one final read. Plus I have a short story that's almost done... 

I'm excited about all the stuff I'm working on and can't wait to tidy these up so I can get stuck into a new lot of projects.

The first thing I'm tackling is the novel draft. I'm soooooo close to getting this one finalised that I got stuck into it first thing yesterday. And so far, the things I'm finding are small. The most important thing is that I'm actually enjoying the story again. Yay.

Falling in love with my own story usually only happens during the first draft and when I feel like the book is done. So, that's a great sign!

Wish me luck because this is the only thing I'll be reading this week. Then, after I'm done, I can get back to that TBR pile I'm so excited about. 😃

Have a great week!

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