
Tuesday, 30 May 2017

Time for a New WIP!

Um, okay. Technically, that's not correct. And yet, it is.

Although I am getting stuck into a new WIP, I have a bit of a head start. Why? Well, that's what I thought I'd talk about today. I did mention this on Twitter yesterday when I posted my daily update, but it would take too many tweets to recap everything.

If you read this update post, then you already know what I'm talking about. And if you read this one, you also know what happened initially.

Back in March I started writing what I thought would be a short story that I wanted to sub to an anthology. I was aiming for 10-12k words. But when I wrote 5k the first day and almost 3k the second, I knew right away that the story had longer potential. There was no way I could squeeze the scope of these characters and their story into those w/c limitations.

So I put it aside. But not before taking a bunch of notes and setting up a folder to add/collect inspirational pics and research stuff. Then I got stuck into a different shortie, one that I did sub to the market I had in mind.

After that I took a bit of a break because of school holidays, annual leave and just general real life stuff. But I continued to brainstorm, collect pics and a bunch of relevant research.

Last week, I decided to work on the first draft during June. But because the month starts midweek, I'm already working on it.

Yesterday, I opened the doc and added a new first chapter. Then I started reading the rest of what I'd already written. By the end of my writing session I'd reached page 16/27 and added 2,342 new words. That means that I've now reached 10,306 words.

Not bad for the first day, right? :P

I'd like to write 2-3k words/day, and am aiming for a 50-70k-word total. As long as I get this story out of my head, I'm not too concerned about the initial draft's word count. I've been carrying this story in my head for several months now and it's definitely time to let it spill onto the page.

The reason for the (slightly) smaller daily word-count target is because of the headstart and because I want to squeeze in some brainstorming for another story whenever possible.

So, what's this current WIP about? As you can probably tell by the above graphic (which I made from a photo I took), it's about urban legends, suburban myths, and ghost stories. With a demonic twist, of course. It's a YA horror, which happens to be the  type of ideas my brain/muse has been feeding me lately.

And I'm totally okay with that.

I've been a horror fan most of my life, so it's not surprising that these are the stories I'm conjuring up during a new path in my writing adventure. :)

Well, there you have it. For June, there will be no new short story--just like there wasn't in May--but I'm working on a novel.

Wish me luck!

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