
Sunday 5 January 2014


My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I'd heard really good things about this book, and they were all true!

Fortitude Scott's life is pretty shitty. He's got a degree that qualifies him for nothing. His job is crap. His roommate refuses to pay rent. His girlfriend is a cheating bitch. And his family are all vampires. Well, he's kinda a vampire too. Although, not really.

When a foreign vampire visit their territory, Fort gets involved in a personal crusade to save innocent little girls from the vampiric predator. With the help of his bodyguard, Suzume--who happens to be a very tricky shape-shifter--he's willing to put himself on the line to make things right.

This is an amazing book. Not only a unique UF, but also a very different take on vampire mythology. The worldbuilding is solid, the story intriguing, and the characters are all very interesting. I also loved Fort's voice, and his interaction with Suzume. They make a great team. But what I liked even more was Fort's character growth. Excellent!

I absolutely loved everything about this book, and plan to order the second one ASAP.

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