
Monday 23 May 2011

New Week, New Goal...

Hey! How's everyone doing today?

Can you believe we made it past 6pm, Saturday night? ;) Seriously, the idiot who stirred up so much crap about the world ending this past weekend should go into hiding. What a tool!

Oh well. It made for some very entertaining and funny tweets. lol. :D

What have you got planned for this week? I'm going to lose myself in the revision I mentioned last week. It's for a novella with 114 pages. I made a bunch of changes to it last week and now want to read it from beginning-to-end, to make sure the additions fit flawlessly with the rest of the story.

I'd love to get it done by midweek. Fingers crossed.

Asides from that, I want to put together some sort of writing plan for June. I think I know what I want to work on, but there are a few other things I'd like to tackle, too.

Well, I hope you all have a great week! I'm going to try and pop in as much as I can from now on. Since I started changing my website, I haven't blogged as often as I wanted to... but now that everything's just the way I want it, I'd like to get back into the swing of things.

See ya later!

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