I've already popped into the NaNo website and scrambled my novel so that it could count my words. That's how I got the lovely icon to the left. Yay.
But today, I actually spent most of the day getting other writing related stuff done while my daughter was at school. I managed to proofread, format and even email in one interview and two blog posts. I'm so excited. I've been meaning to get them done all week, just had so much other stuff to do that I only managed bits & pieces of each. But today was the day. They're all done.
When I got home from picking my daughter up from school, instead of reading for a bit like I usually do, I went into the room, picked up lappy and got writing. The word count's gone up to 52,286 but it's still not done. I've got another chapter and the epilogue left. Not long to the end now. Will I make it tonight? In thirty minutes, my daughter will be tucked in for the night, so I'm hoping to get the chance then. Still, I can't wait for hubby to get home so we can start the weekend. And technically, there's still one more writing day left of November, so even if I have to finish this story on Monday, that's cool.
Well, my daughter's tucked in for the night and hubby's still at work, so I'm going to open up my Word doc and get writing...
Have a great weekend!
***Just wanted to remind you that FAITHLESS is still available from Damnation Books for under $1. But that'll change next week. On December 1st, it'll go up to $4.50.***
Thanks Dee! :)
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