
Monday, 25 May 2009

Productive weekend

So, we went to the hairdresser on Saturday. I was long overdue for a trim. You see, I've got naturally wavy hair, and it's thick too. So, if I don't get it layered every few months, the layers grow out and I end up with really messy (bushy) hair. Now, I've got my layers back and my hair feels smooth. Easier to manage too. Awesome!

I also intended to buy this book, and came back with it as well as this one and this one too! What can I say? I'm totally addicted to books, but I guess you already know that. :)

We also watched a documentary - Richard Hammond Meets Evel Knievel. I like Richard Hammond from Top Gear, so he was pretty good in this too. He presented all the facts and compiled all the info in a very entertaining way, it's too bad that Evel himself ended up being a bitter old man every time he was on-screen. He was very rude, even though Richard showed him a lot of respect because he was a childhood hero of his. I think he's passed away since. Not sure, but he didn't look very healthy at the time.

Anyway, it was interesting.

This morning, the hubby started early again so I got typing right away and actually added about 1,200 words. The word count is now up to 54,135. This week, I'd like to reach the 70k mark. Of course, that means that I probably won't be able to finish the first draft this week, but I might next week. Cool! We'll see what happens, but we're heading into the showdown scene now and it's going to be a big one because it's not only going to be the end of this book, but the end of this trilogy too. So certain things will be ending.

Although on a side note, I already know how things are going to end for the hero and heroine, and I can't wait to write it.

Okay, gotta get some brekky for my daughter now because we need to leave a little earlier this morning. She's got an excursion on today. Bye for now!

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