
Wednesday, 27 May 2009

Another gloomy day in Sydney

Well, we managed to do our weights workout on Monday night and last night as well. Which means that today is our day off. Then, it's back to it tomorrow and Friday. I'm a little bit sore, but in a good way. :)

The hubby had a day off work yesterday, so I didn't add any new words. We did, however, go to watch STAR TREK. Let me just start with the fact that I'm not a Star Trek fan at all. I didn't watch or like the TV show and movies that it spawned. I've actually been known to fall asleep while trying to watch them in the past. Lol. But this movie - WOW!

It totally rocked! On so many levels. Not only was it action-packed and really put the Star Trek franchise into this century, but the reason why the story happened was awesome. I loved the explanation. Of course, I won't go into it here, but it was a great twist. Oh, and did I mention that I thought the script was excellent? Well, it was. It was actually everything a Sci-Fi movie should be!

We also saw the proper Transformers trailer and it was fantastic! If you haven't seen it yet, you should... it's over HERE. Wow! I can't wait to watch this one. Talk about action. Counting down the days...

I might not have added any new words yesterday, but this morning I got right to it. As a result, I've already added another 2k and have crossed the 60k-mark. I'm now @ 60,209. Very, very cool! I stopped mid-scene so that I can jump back into it as soon as I get home from my walk this morning. Man, it looks like it's going to be a miserable day outside. Very dark. You know when the sky looks bruised? Yeah, that's the kind of day we're facing. :/ Oh well, I've got some pretty bleak things to write, so it should be atmospheric.

Well, have a nice day! :D

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