
Thursday, 22 April 2021

BOGUS TO BUBBLY: An Insider's Guide to the World of Uglies by Scott Westerfeld


Bogus to Bubbly: An Insider's Guide to the World of UgliesBogus to Bubbly: An Insider's Guide to the World of Uglies by Scott Westerfeld
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I loved the Uglies series, so of course I was interested in checking this out.

This book is full of extra (pardon the pun) information about pretty (oops, I did it again) much everything about the futuristic world Tally lives in. It all starts with the history of how humans went from what we are today, to the Pretty-obsessed world of technology, body modification and secrets.

There's info about all the cliques, gadgets, stages in life, tech, and even an excerpt of a chapter originally written in Hiro's POV instead of Aya's.

Most of the information is eventually revealed in the series but it was cool to read the extra bits the author shared in this very cool guide.

I'm really glad I read this. It's such bubbly fun! 😃

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