
Friday, 25 August 2017

Revision: Week Three

Hey! What's up?

This week has been a loooooong one. It feels like we packed so much stuff into it. I'm serious. By the time Wednesday rolled around,  I was already exhausted and wishing it was Friday. O_o

But you gotta keep moving.

Anyway, this is what I wanted to do this week:
  • Finish the second draft of Haunted
  • Read either a review book or a library book
  • Continue brainstorming next WIP
  • Get to know my new phone & (finally) say goodbye to my old one :(

I was really hoping to finish the revision I've been working on this month... 

And this is what I ended up doing:
  • I reached The End of Haunted on Wednesday afternoon & on Thursday I rewrote a few chapters & adressed the revision list. (Second draft: 82,391/217pgs)
  • Read a library book: COMING UP FOR AIR by Miranda Kenneally.
  • Instead of brainstorming my next WIP, I ended up developing/researching a different idea.
  • Slowly--and eventually--said goodbye to my Galaxy Note 3 & am getting used to my LG G6.
  • Got a bunch of RL stuff done!

I'm very excited about finishing the second draft. Yay! Don't get me wrong, there's still plenty of work to do, but I'm really happy with my progress. It was so nice to catch up with these characters and their creepy little town.

Now it's time to put this novel aside for a bit so I can get some space before doing the third draft. Although... I might have already started a new Revision List. LOL.

Now that I've completed the project I assigned for this month I'm going to take next week off. Well, I'm hoping to squeeze in a bit of reading, some brainstorming, spending time with new ideas, getting comfier with my phone AND watching the Wynonna Earp season 2 finale. :/

But first, I'm going to enjoy the weekend with hubby.

Have a good one!

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