
Wednesday, 25 March 2015


LOOT CRATE arrived the other day:
This month's box is a little slimmer than the ones before it.
The March theme is COVERT.
We already knew what was in it because we cheated by watching other people unbox theirs on YouTube. LMAO.
Anyway, there were some pretty cool goodies packed inside:

And here they are after we opened and checked everything out:

This time, the inside of the box becomes a cute cardboard laptop.
Probably with a bunch of secret passcodes and missions from many a covert operation. :P
I actually like this one more than last month's.
There are some pretty cool things inside. My daughter ended up getting most of the stuff, but that's cool because I got these:
Aren't they cute?
Two adorable notebooks.
I haven't cracked them open yet, but I heard one is grid and the other is lined. Very cool!
Looks like next month's theme is ADVENTURE.
Wonder what they'll pack into that one...
Here are the other boxes we've received so far:
 http://www.yolandasfetsos.com/2015/01/lootcrate.html http://www.yolandasfetsos.com/2015/03/loot-crate.html


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