
Thursday, 8 January 2015

Let's talk about Goals...

Like I said last year, I don't make New Year Resolutions because those things just don't last (or stick).

What I do like is setting goals for myself. But I never do that until the year is well on its way.

Why? Mostly because my daughter is home during January, and/or I usually find myself in the middle of an editing cycle. (I'm currently working on edits for DASH.)
So it's a lot easier to grab a calendar, notebook and pen sometime in January and start making a list of all the things I'd like to achieve. Sometimes I stick to the plan, other times I don't. Last year I said this: I'd like to write at least two new novels and two new novellas. I didn't end up doing this, but I did Write 3 books, Revised 3 books, Edited 1 book & 2 galleys. Not to mention all of the guest blog posts and interviews I took part in.
As long as the writing/revising is getting done, it doesn't matter what story is told/revised.
During 2015, I'd like to finalise the two Sierra Fox spin-off series novels. One of them is about the demon hunter Lavie Grye, and the other about the necromancer Willow Moss. Lavie is ready for the final draft, and Willow's first draft is done. So the bulk of both stories are there, I just need to get them finalised and submitted. I would actually love to have them done by the end of April.
Then, I think it's time to write the last two RECAST novellas and finish off that series. I do have a spin-off planned (and did from the very beginning) but that's not as important as Book 5 & 6. I might actually end up writing both first drafts back-to-back. That would be cool. If I could get these done by mid-year, that would be excellent!
If I do, then my two Samhain Publishing series will be finished. Which is exciting and scary. Exciting because, wow, that's two major writing goals I've had for years. Scary because I've spent so many years writing about these characters and their very separate worlds. But it's time to get stuck into some new worlds. There's another UF series I'd love to get back to, and a futuristic SF-ish book that I've wanted to write for ages!
And those are only two of my other ideas. LOL.
Now for the reading. Although I completed my 2014 100-Book Reading Challenge, I also wanted to do this: There are several series that have since finished up but I'm still not caught up. Oh, and several Book 3s in a variety of trilogies. But I didn't. :(
I'm still way behind on some of my most fave series, and have a handful of trilogies that I haven't finished reading. So, THIS IS THE YEAR. During 2015 I will definitely do this! Yes.
And of course I'd like to stick to yoga, weights workouts, and going for walks. I think it might also be cool to take part in some of those 14 and 30 Day Challenges I keep seeing online. We're doing a 14-Day Leg Challenge right now.
Have you made any goals or plans for 2015?
Let's hope this is a good one!

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