
Tuesday, 4 September 2012

AS THE WORLD DIES UNTOLD TALES, Volume 1 by Rhiannon Frater

THE FIRST DAYS: AS THE WORLD DIES introduced Jenni and Katie and their harrowing journey to the makeshift fort in the Texas Hill Country.
But theirs is not the only tale to be told.

In the first volume of the AS THE WORLD DIES UNTOLD TALES experience three terrifying tales of those who are forced to face the unrelenting and hungry walking dead.

Deep in the Texas Hill Country, a man and his little dog takes refuge in a bed and breakfast located in the hills above a doomed town where an infested rescue center might unleash the hungry undead…

On a deserted highway slicing through the desolation of West Texas, a woman struggles to survive as she faces the horrifying aftermath of the rise of the zombies…

And finally, discover what happens on the first day to Katie’s beloved wife, Lydia, as the world dies…
I've read the AS THE WORLD DIES TRILOGY and absolutely loved it. I bought the two short story collections set in the same world--for my Kindle--because I wanted to know more about some of the supporting characters. I also wanted to try out my new Samsung Galaxy Note. :)

This is the first Volume:

The Broken Heart: The title of this story pretty much sums up how sad this tale is. I mean, it's about Lydia--Katie's wife--so right away we know that it's not going to end well. Still, it was nice to see them interacting together, and to finally see how/what happened to her that horrible morning shortly after Katie left to go to work.

Very sad, but also very well written.

Dangerous Highways: Yeah, another story where the title is perfect! This one's about Monica--Juan's cousin--and how she gets away from the undead. When the truck she's driving runs out of petrol, she has to siphon some, and in the process comes face to face with just how dangerous and insane the world has become. It's not just the zombies that are a real threat...

I enjoyed it!

The Vacation of the Undead: This happens to be the longest story in the collection, and centers around Eric and his dog Pepe. The weekend he decides to go away with his girlfriend and intends to pop the question, also happens to be when the world goes to hell.

I loved this story because it gave me an insight into not just what Eric went through after the zombies started to appear, but it also showed a different angle and shed some light on the fact that this was happening all over the world. I also got a kick out of finding out just how Stacey and Eric meet, because in the trilogy they're pretty tight from the beginning. Oh, and Pepe. He's such a cutie!

This was an excellent, and very tense story. I was on the edge of my seat most of the way. (It did have a few typos here and there, but it certainly didn't distract me from the story.)

I love me some zombies!

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