For centuries Mira has been a nightwalker—an unstoppable enforcer for a mysterious organization that manipulates earth-shaking events from the darkest shadows. But elemental mastery over fire sets her apart from others of her night-prowling breed . . . and may be all that prevents her doom.
The foe she now faces is human: the vampire hunter called Danaus, who has already destroyed so many undead. For Mira, the time has come to hunt . . . or be hunted.
I just finished reading this fantastic book! Yikes. What an awesome read. I love where it's going too, and can't wait to see what happens to Mira as the series moves along.
Mira is a strong, stubborn, and very powerful nightwalker. But that's not all, she's also a Fire Starter who gets caught up in one dangerous situation after another. It's amazing how many events are squeezed into this action-packed, well thought-out, and well written book. It's like a rollercoaster ride. She might start out in the streets of Savannah, facing off against a vampire hunter, but it turns into so much more.
This is an explosive book with an intriguing story that takes vampires into a level I've never read before. Loved it! If you're a fan of dark and edgy urban fantasy - like me - you'll definitely enjoy this one. Check it out. :)
This one is on my list, too. Glad to hear it was so good! **sigh** I wish I had more time to read!
Hey Kelly! I'm sure you'll enjoy it. It's a very original take on the vampire genre. :)
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