
Monday, 4 August 2008

Back into the writing swing of things

How was everyone's weekend? We had a great time. Of course, like every other week, it went way too fast! :( I wish the weekend went for more than two days. I know, what a strange thing to say, but I'm sure we all feel that way sometimes. Lol.

I popped into the Romance Divas and answered some questions about Paranormal and Urban Fantasy Worldbuilding. It was a lot of fun! The questions asked were great, and everyone's so nice over at the RD message board. It was great.

We also watched several movies, and went for some nice walks. Yesterday's was a little longer than usual because it was so beautiful out. A gorgeous bright and sunny day that felt more like autumn, than spring. Cool. :) One more month of winter to go. I can take it, I can take it. ;) Heeee.

If you want to know more about the movies I watched, pop into my LiveJournal later on, where I'll be chatting about them.

Oh, and I started writing a new novella on Friday. I didn't get much written at the start because Fridays are so unproductive and just breeze by, but I did get about 1,200 words written. But today, I sat down when my hubby went to work and got stuck into it. This is what it looks like now:
Pretty cool, and I'll be sitting down later tonight to see if I can add a little more. The coolest thing about this tale is that the more I write, the more it all becomes clearer. I know the world, now I just have a little more to learn about the two main characters. :D
I've also started reading this book. Very cool! Love this writer.

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