
Monday, 9 October 2006


I waited ALL week for this episode... and it didn't disappoint! It was so unpredictable, too. I only guessed one thing, and not at all like it happened. Man, do I love this show! And now we've gotta wait until sometime mid-next-year for the next season! Ugh.

What's with the long wait?

I wish we could get it at the same time as the UK. I mean, we watched the X-Mas Special in June or something like that! :/

Anyway, let's just say that I loved how it all worked out. Though I was very sad. Very sad indeed. Poor Rose. I actually ended up liking her much more than I thought I would. Oh well, at least one thing we know for sure is that David Tennant will be back. And TORCHWOOD. There's something happening with Torchwood too!

Yesterday was the hubby's b-day. So we went out to get some ice-cream at Bondi Beach. We were actually going to pop over to the beach for a nice walk. But it was so darn windy that walking in the beach would've just blinded us. So, we got the ice-cream and then drove off in search of somewhere else to walk. We found a small beach somewhere near Watsons Bay, I think. It was a nice place to stop for a while. I just wanted to be with the hubby, that's all.

Anyway, also spent a lot of the weekend reading a trilogy that I enjoyed heaps! Oh, and we watched Over The Hedge with my daughter last night. I wasn't really looking forward to it, kinda had a feeling it would disappoint. So I wasn't surprised with my meh reaction. It sure wasn't a Pixar or Shrek kinda flick! Though the kid enjoyed it!

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