
Sunday 9 July 2023

ALIVE UNDEAD by Brian Bowyer


Alive UndeadAlive Undead by Brian Bowyer
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I love vampires in all of their undead glory, so when I found out that Brian Bowyer had a vamp story available, I couldn't wait to check it out.

Valkolar is a very old vampire. Delarosa is a faithless priest. Jamie and Kirsten are young lovers looking for music and adventure. Olivia and Sirius are gifted undead children living their lives recklessly. Naomi is an ambitious musician with an alcohol problem. Mohammed stalks the night. And Rosalie, she's a whole different kind of monster...

Well, this is one hell of a violent and bloody ride! And I enjoyed every gory minute of it.

The fast-paced pages of this book are fuelled by short and crisp chapters that grab you by the throat and refuse to let go. There are a lot of dark characters in this depraved tale, but every single one feels different and their alternating POVs move the overall story until you're thrust headfirst into the shocking conclusion.

I do have to mention that this isn't for the squeamish, or for anyone who can't bring themselves to read violence against children. But if you can stomach extreme horror of the true-crime kind, mixed with an interesting take on vampirism, then this book is definitely worth your time.

Personally, I was hooked from beginning to end, and couldn't wait to find out where everything was going to go. And where everyone was going to land.

I look forward to checking out more books written by Brian.

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