
Friday, 12 May 2023

THE GHOST IN YOU by Ed Brubaker & Sean Phillips


The Ghost in You (Reckless, #4)The Ghost in You by Ed Brubaker
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I have to admit that I haven't read the previous books in this series, and don't even know who Ethan Reckless is, but I liked the cover. So, I decided to read it anyway. 🙂

It's 1989 and while Ethan is out of town, Anna decides to take on a job by herself. Especially since an old movie scream queen she used to love asks her to investigate if the murder-house mansion she's renovating is haunted...

Well, that was unexpectedly awesome!

I always enjoy a good crime noir mystery, and this one was done very well. It's also set in the late 80s, and deals with several problems that started in the past and settled into that turbulent decade. An urban legend about hidden treasure, how strict religious ways destroyed relationships, a pointless war that made villains out of the soldiers forced to fight, and the result of dysfunctional families.

Anna's a great character. Very interesting and determined to solve the mystery, even when her estranged mother gets in the way.

Yep, this was great and I loved the artwork.

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