
Sunday, 31 January 2021

A Month of Reading


How are you today? Can you believe the first month of 2021 is almost over? Yikes. 😳

So, what have you been up to? 

As I mentioned a few weeks ago, I started the year with edits and interviews. Then, without consciously planning to, I ended up taking a bit of a break during the rest of January. 

I hung out with hubby, we went for a lot of walks (started going for two daily walks every second day), did plenty of yoga (a workout every second day), sorted my bookshelves/piles, donated heaps of these books, and read quite a few awesome books.

Yep. Our days were full of time together, delish meals, naps, hubby playing Hades/Animal Crossing: New Horizons, and me reading up a storm. 😁

These are the books I read:
  1. Harrow Lake by Kat Ellis
  2. Rules for Vanishing by Kate Alice Marshall
  3. Meridian by Amber Kizer
  4. Dead Silence by Kimberly Derting
  5. You Must Not Miss by Katrina Leno
  6. Two Can Keep a Secret by Karen M McManus
  7. Ironside by Holly Black
  8. None Shall Sleep by Ellie Marney
  9. Cruel Summer by Juno Dawson
  10. Beautiful Decay by Sylvia Lewis
  11. The Sad Ghost Club by Lize Meddings
  12. A Dowry of Blood by ST Gibbons
  13. Lore by Alexandra Bracken
  14. Outlawed by Anna North
Did you notice something about the 14 books I read this month? That's right, every single one of them is written by women. And most of them are YA, which is actually a mini challenge I set for myself. 

I'm really glad this is how we spent the beginning of the year because it's summer, and after the heavy revision I tackled during December (don't usually work that hard on completing writing projects in December) and the edits, my brain needed a break.

Besides, we're still in the middle of a pandemic. Sure, compared to the rest of the world Australia is doing really well and we're starting to see some normalcy in our everyday lives, but we still have to be very cautious. And trust me, we're still keeping our distance, wear masks to the shops and clean our hands constantly.

We refuse to get complacent. 😷

Now that the month is almost over, the writing bug has been nagging at me. This week, I've been taking notes for my novelette idea, collecting more research, and have finally found the right direction for this story. Which is really cool.

Oh, and I popped into Paula RC Readman's Clubhouse for a chat.

Well, that's it for now. This month was lovely. I enjoyed the long days with hubby, and am now ready to face the challenges of the upcoming month.

Stay safe!

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