
Friday, 13 March 2020

Long time no blog...

Hey! Happy Friday the 13th! 💀

How's everyone doing this week? The world's in a shitty place at the moment, so it's important to make sure we don't get bogged down by all the negativity.

That's why we've been spending time at home reading, writing, watching and playing games. Going out has mostly consisted of our daily walks and grocery store stops. Not much else.

Although I've been posting book reviews as normal, I haven't posted an actual blog post update for a while. And since I went back to my current WIP this week (had already written 5k), I thought it might be cool to add one now.

Here's how my word count went this week:
  • Monday: 7,411 (added 2029w) 
  • Tuesday: 10,055 (added 2644w) 
  • Wednesday: 12,215 (added 2160w) 
  • Thursday: 15,805 (added 3590w)
  • Friday: 16,536 (added 731w)

I'm very excited about finally getting stuck into this story because I haven't been able to stop thinking about it for weeks! Also, I technically started writing it last month and have been adding bits and pieces on my phone, but this week I actually sat down behind my laptop every day until I reached the end of the first draft.

Another reason why I'm happy to have finished this--asides from getting another story idea out of my head--is because I've had Write a Novella on my yearly goals for several years. And kept failing.

This year, I can finally add writing a novella to my goals met. 😃

The first draft ended up at 16k, which is great because it gives me plenty of wiggle room during the revision process. Actually, I've already started a Revision List and after discussing the story with hubby during our afternoon walk, he helped me figure out an angle I hadn't even thought about. Very cool.

Remember the UNDER HER BLACK WINGS anthology I have a short story in? Well, it's currently available for free at the Kindle store. If you don't have a copy yet, this is a great time to grab it HERE.

We've also been watching Miyazaki movies on Netflix to wind down at night, been going for lots of walks, and I've been reading a bunch of fun Goosebumps books.

That's about it. 😊

Well, take care and have a great weekend!

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