
Friday, 3 November 2017

NaNoWriMo: Week One

It's hereeeeeeee! (whispers in creepy Poltergeist movie voice) 

Can you believe NaNoWriMo is here again? Or that it's actually November? The year is moving fast. Too fast, if you ask me.

As I mentioned in my post last month, of course I'm taking part in NaNoWriMo again. I can't help myself. LOL.

The 1st of November didn't hit until midweek, so I spent Monday and Tuesday doing some NaNoPrep. I even spent some time organising my clothes and reading an awesome book. I also enjoyed the hell out of Halloween.🎃 We found a whole bunch of adorable knick-knacks this year, and my skull collection has grown HEAPS.💀

When Wednesday hit, I grabbed my notes and laptop, then set up a new Word doc and started writing...

Tackling the first chapter is always a good mix of daunting and exciting. It's just so amazing how you can go from an Idea File filled with inspirational pics & notes in a notebook, to starting an actual story and stepping into the life of a new set of characters.

Sometimes, writing feels like magic.

It's also weird to think that until last weekend I was still trying to decide whose POV would be the best to tell this story, because my main character's voice is loud and clear, and also full of surprises. Now that I'm actually writing from her POV, I can't believe I didn't think of her sooner. It was thanks to hubby helping me through my conundrum during one of our evening walks that I had a lightbulb moment. And now I'm SO happy to be telling her story.

Anyway, this is how my first week's word count went: 
  • Wednesday: 3,456 
  • Thursday: 7,585 (added 4,129w)
  • Friday: 11,420 (added 3,835w)

This is another story that I've had in my Idea Files for so many months it's super cool to FINALLY let the narrative out. These characters are SO ready to tell their story of friendship, mystery and love. BUT! Even though that's the case, several surprises have already popped up. Like a creepy attic chapter I hadn't expected featuring a bizarre character I didn't meet until I was actually writing Chapter Two. Yikes!

Gotta *love* that.

I'm excited about this novel. It was the right choice because even though I'm abandoning my YA horror addiction for this project, this story will still be packed with creepy girl stuff and freaky shadowy situations.

I've written 11k in three days and that makes me very happy. But like I always do while working on a WIP,  I'm taking the weekend off.

Have a good one!

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