
Friday, 21 October 2016

Sick Week!

Yep. That's right.

I got sick last weekend--after the mucus virus went through my daughter, then hubby--and am only now starting to shake it. I'm currently at the tail end of it, so I still have residual clogginess in my nose and chest, but feel worn out. Not as bad as I did at the beginning of the week, though.

I just want it to be over, because this whole week was a total bust!

These are the things I wanted to do:
  • Update files from phone to laptop
  • Read GIRL OF NIGHTMARES by Kendare Blake
  • Go to dentist appointment on Tuesday
  • Complete monster short story second draft
  • Start taking notes/researching NaNoWriMo story

These are the things I actually did:

As you can see, I didn't even attempt to work on the short story second draft. I just wasn't in the proper mindset to even think about it. Mostly I just wanted to sit or lie down on the couch. So I set the story aside for next week. Hopefully.

At least I got a chance to read a lot.

And I'm really happy about getting the NaNoWriMo story notes started. I'm super excited about the story I want to write. It's going to be a creepy YA horror novel, because that's just the mood I'm in. :)

Well. There you go! Not a super productive week, but I'm fine with it.

Happy weekend!

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