
Friday, 2 September 2016

Winter is (finally) over!

If you read last week's blog post, then you already know that I decided my daily routine needed to change. 

This is what I'm mostly talking about:

"So I want to get out of my head a bit more and get into the cycle I enjoy when it comes to work: a busy production line with a bunch of projects and possibilities."

Yeah. Between the ups and downs of the publishing business, a cluttered mind, too many ideas and distractions, it was really easy to get stuck in a rut. Not to mention that winter can become such a drag... Ugh.

But anyway, that was then. During the last week of August, I got back on the kind of productive track I've missed. Winter is done and spring is here, so I'm excited!

Anyway, I gave myself these goals:
  • Write a quirky superhero short story
  • Read a library book
  • Start writing a horror/SF short story
  • Send out a few queries

This is what I accomplished:
  • Wrote 6k superhero short story
  • Started writing horror/SF story (longhand)
  • Revised superhero story
  • Sent out some queries
  • Proofread superhero story
Not bad, huh? :)

I'm actually quite happy with what I achieved.

We even watched the first season of THE GET DOWN. Man. This is such a high-energy story about a bunch of people living in South Bronx during 1977. It's fun, sad, different, sweet, violent, and the music is excellent. We loved it.

So. There you go! I stuck to my plan and ended up doing even more than I expected. Cool. Sometimes you just gotta change your attitude, I suppose. Or your season. LOL.

I'll be doing the same next week.

Hope you all have a great weekend!

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