
Monday, 20 January 2014

Hey, how was your weekend?

Ours was great, but really busy.
First thing Saturday morning we had dentist appointments. Just our six-monthly check up and teeth clean. It went well, and now we've all got clean teeth and don't need to go back until August. Cool. Then yesterday we popped into a shopping centre to pick up a few things. Not to mention everything else that needed to be done and watched. ;)
I also felt a little sluggish yesterday. Going to the shops always tires me and gives me a headache. It's much easier to shop online. LOL.
Anyway, let me go back to Friday... because that's when I finished the second draft of RECAST #4. I'm happy with how it turned out. I ended up deleting a bunch of stuff, then adding some new stuff. There was also plenty of layering. Though I did end up with a Third Draft Revision List that I decided to tackle this morning. O.o
The second draft word count is 48,474. That's 123 pages.
Now I will put it aside for a few weeks. I've actually got it allocated for mid-next month, and am looking forward to getting back to it.
So, what do I intend to do this week? I've already got a to-do list that involves sorting through my YA bookshelf, as well as my stationery trunk, while catching up on some reading and scheduling a few guest spots for April. Yeah, there's always something to do around here. ;)
Hubby only has to work until Thursday this week and then has a two-week break. Awesome! Looking forward to it...
Have a great day!

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