
Tuesday 30 July 2013

Time flies when you're doing stuff

Hey! Hello! How is everyone? Hope you're still popping in.
I can't believe almost two weeks have gone by since the last time I posted a real blog post. LOL. The days are just flying past, aren't they? But at least I keep posting book reviews and even posted a contest. Yay.

Last week was a busy one for me. I spent all last week working on Round 1 edits for SHIVER, and not much else. It was a lot of fun and plenty of work. I loved every minute of it. It was also really cool to go back into the Recast world. This time the story centres around Knox and Lian. If you've read CLASH, then you caught a glimpse of Knox and will get to know him a lot better soon. ;)
After reading the print galley and then tackling edits, I have to admit that I feel mentally exhausted. Plus we went for a super long walk over the weekend that knocked me out, and I think I might be coming down with something... So yeah, I want to slow it down this week. Though that's not always easy for someone with a head-full of ideas, snippets and stuff.
So many ideas, not enough time.
I once again need to grab my calendar and allocate what I want to achieve for the rest of the year. There are several projects I'd like to get done during the next three months: the first draft of Recast #4, complete second & third draft revision of Sierra Fox #5, and of course tackle edits as they come.
It might not sound like much, but it is. Especially the Sierra Fox revision, because I'm going to be super fussy with that. It's the last book in the series and I want to make sure everything is dealt with, revealed, etc. in a way that satisfies the story arc. But anyway, that's something for another day. Today, I just want to take it easy and check a few things online before sitting down with my Paperwhite to read.
Oh, before I forget, check out this awesome review for ON PINS AND NEEDLES from Coffee Time Romance & More. 5 Cups! It made me SO happy. I love it when readers really get Sierra. Thanks for making my day, Maura. :)
Well, that's it for now. Have a great day!

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