
Sunday, 30 June 2013

THE NEW HUNGER by Isaac Marion

The New Hunger (Warm Bodies, #0.5)The New Hunger by Isaac Marion
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I absolutely loved WARM BODIES, and a few weeks ago watched the movie. So I couldn't wait to read another story set in this dark, yet hopeful world.

The story is told in three different POVs:

There's Julie, a hardened twelve-year-old girl on the road trip from hell. Her parents are searching for safety--somewhere they can settle down with other survivors and carry on with their lives in a fallen world where the Dead don't stay dead.

There's also Nora, a teenager travelling with her little brother. Abandoned by their parents and trying to stay alive, they're starving and tired. The only way she knows how to keep them safe is to continue walking.
And last--but certainly not least--we have a man with a red tie, who wakes up beside a beautiful dead girl and doesn't know what's happening to him. I guess it's no mystery who he turns out to be. :)

These small individual groups all end up in the same place for different reasons. And for all of them, their journey is heartbreaking.

I loved this novella! It was everything I hoped it would be, and a whole lot more. I enjoyed meeting younger versions of characters featured in the book, and found out a whole lot more about what happened to the world and why some zombies are different.

Yeah, this is another keeper. Fantastic!

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