
Friday, 30 November 2012

NaNoWriMo: Done!

Isn't Loki cute? I took this photo last week, after I set up my writing area and was about to add my laptop to the mix. Guess where that was supposed to go? Yep, exactly where he's sitting in this picture. LOL.

He cracks me up! He sat there and waited until I saw him. Such a cutie.

So, today is not only the last day of the month, but also the official last day of NaNoWriMo. Yay. Did you make it? I verified my novel--well, a scrambled 55k-word version of it which I saved at the time--early this week. This is the sixth time I've taken part and won. Awesome!
I also finished the first draft of Sierra Fox #4 on Wednesday. I'm so excited about it. The word count ended up being 83,573 words, but I know that'll change during the revision drafts. There are already things I want to add during the second draft, lol. Still, the exciting thing is that Book 4 is written. One more to go. :(
I'm now going to take next week off. I need a little time to recharge my battery, I think. So I'll just tackle the to-do list I've already started. Yeah, I might not be planning to write a first draft, revise, or edit next week, but there are still a lot of things I need to do.
It would also be nice to squeeze in a little reading, because I just haven't had the desire to read these last few days. I think I'm just mentally exhausted after finishing Sierra's novel. Probably needed a few days of no reading/writing.
Have a great weekend!

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