Anyway, TGIF!
This has been one strange week. Now that I think about it, 2012 has been a very strange and kinda bittersweet year so far. There have been some good things, some awesome things, and some not-so-great stuff too. It's also been a mixed bag of something-something as far as my writing goes. O_o
Like I mentioned the other day, this week was all about taking it easy and catching up on some smaller jobs I had listed on my current to-do list. I did get most things done, but there's one pesky thing I haven't tackled yet and keep procrastinating on: my newsletter. I've been meaning to send one out for ages, but something always comes up. And even this week, when I had the time, I just couldn't go back there. Strange, huh?
I think I just need to overhaul it. Get excited about it again. Maybe it's just the lack of writing news and being in a state of limbo that keeps me from sending anything out. Not sure yet, but I'll get there. Someday soon. But it won't be next week. Next week, I'm going to tackle the third/final draft of Sierra Fox #3. The story's written, revised, and very close to done... but I need to add/tweak a few final things before I can really call it done. I would love to have it done & done by the end of this month, so I can concentrate on planning for the fourth (and penultimate) book in the series.
Can't remember if I mentioned it here yet, but I would love to write the first draft of SF#4 during NaNoWriMo. :D Fingers crossed.
Well, I'm really looking forward to another weekend with hubby, daughter & kitty. We've gotta buy a few last minute things for my daughter (she's going on a school camp next week, and the school keeps adding stuff to what they need) but I'm determined to have a great few days!
Have a great weekend...
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