
Monday, 10 September 2012

Sunny Spring

I love this picture of Loki. I took it several weeks ago, and I love the look on his face. What a cutie! ;)

So. Another weekend is over. Boo! We had two awesome days. Got out for a little while on Saturday, went for some nice, long walks both days, hung out, ate some yummy meals, and even slept in yesterday. Yeah, it was a great weekend. Of course, not long enough because there were other things we wanted to do but didn't.
Maybe next weekend.
I originally planned to spend this week working on the third (and final) draft of Sierra Fox #3, but changed my mind. Last week was pretty packed with things to do, so I decided to take a break this week. I'll be working on a variety of smaller things I have on my to-do list, as well as catching up on some reading, and spending time getting to know my Galaxy Note better. LOL. Nothing too involved.
But next week, it's time to finish that book! :) And to be honest, it's probably a better time to do it. My daughter goes away on a school camp next week--from Wednesday to Friday--so I'll have some extra time to myself while hubby's at work. Time that I can easily use on Sierra & Co. It'll also help keep me focused on work, rather than how much I'll miss my daughter while she's gone. This is her first camp. Actually, her first time away (overnight) from home. :/
After that, she has two weeks off. Yeah, school holidays are once again around the corner. They sure come fast, don't they?
Well, that's about it for now. I'm hoping that this beautiful spring weather continues all week. It's been a lovely start to the new season, which makes me very happy. :D
Have a good one!

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