
Wednesday 16 November 2011

It's beginning to feel a lot like summer...

Yeah. We've had some pretty hot days the last few weeks. I love it. I'm so ready to leave behind the cold and dreary winter we had this year. Bring on the sunshine!

So. I've been getting stuck into the second draft of Sierra Fox #2 this week. As of this morning, I hit page 70/226. Which means I've already reached my Wednesday-page goal, and the total page count has gone up by two pages. No surprises there, lol.

I'm really enjoying this draft and this story. I love stepping back into Sierra's world, but during the second draft I always have a love-hate relationship with my stories. One second I love what I'm reading, the next I'm wondering if it's any good at all...then I go back to loving everything about it again. Strange, but a true process.

The other day, I had to remind myself not to keep second guessing every move I make during this draft, or I'll never get it done. :( Yeah, best to keep things in perspective and remember that this time I'm smoothing out the edges, deleting things that don't make sense, spotting typos, inconsistencies, and all that jazz. During the third/final draft, I can get super critical on the details to make sure nothing stands out.

It's bizarre to have to remind myself to do this every single time I'm revising a story, but it's so easy to let self-doubt cloud my vision. Feeling much better about it now. :)

Anyway. That's enough neurotic writing thoughts. lol.

I haven't done much else during the day. My head's still filled with "writing stuff" that continually fills my brain. It's a great thing, but not so good when you want to get stuck into some reading. :/ Oh well. As long as I'm having fun with the revisions and getting one step closer to completion.

Well, see ya!

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