
Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Awesome Monday, Meh Tuesday

The bad thing about having an awesome day, is that the next one will probably be pretty crappy. Which is exactly what is happening to me today.

I had a great day yesterday. I didn't get too much writing stuff done, but I did go through the Word doc and changed something that will help smooth out the final draft next week. Plus, hubby & I did a yoga workout, and then caught up on some TV shows:

American Horror Story: We watched the two parts of the Halloween episode, and man, was it creepy-cool. I'm really enjoying this show. It's so insane, twisted, creepy... and in some parts, totally wrong. Yet, that's what makes it so good! And why I'm pretty much hooked and can't wait to find out what happens next.

The Walking Dead: *don't read if you haven't seen it yet* We absolutely loved the Midseason Finale! OMG. I didn't expect what popped out of the barn, but it packed an emotional punch. Yikes. Once again, OMG. I can't shake her walking out of there after they've been searching for her the whole season. Of course, with the truth out there now, I know it's going to have a huge impact on all of them. Amazing, I say. Can't believe we have to wait until February...

Anyway. These two shows are fast becoming some of my most faves. I love how risque and open TV writers are to new and previously unexplored storylines these days. It's cool.

So, there are a few things that are kinda bothering me today but I'm going to do my best not to dwell on them. It's best not to let negative energy affect me for too long. It's just not worth the aftereffect. :/

Bring on the positive vibes.

Well, I think this blog entry has helped me find a much better mood. And I can now go and enjoy lunch!

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