
Tuesday 25 October 2011

Um... did I miss Monday over here?

LOL. Yes, I did. But it's okay because I posted a book review last night. :)

Anyway. How's everyone this week?

It's the last week of October. Already, huh? It sure has gone quick. But I guess that's what happens when you pack it full of stuff. I've done a lot during October, and hope to keep the productivity up into November and December.

BTW, if you missed my latest cover... you can check it out here. It's so awesome. I keep looking at it. And actually have it on the Desktop in the main computer. Awesome!

This week I plan to work on the second draft of my Recast #3 novella. Oh, okay, it's actually category size. ;) Either way, I got started on it yesterday and even got stuck into it early this morning. I've now reached page 29/99 and the word count has already gone up by almost 3k. Of course, I expect that it will keep going up because I've got a few pages full of notes/stuff to add/fix.

Also, if I can get an average of 20 pages revised this week, I can get it finished by Friday. Cool, huh? Even though it's hard to put a goal on a story that'll keep gaining pages, lmao. Still, I'm having fun with it and I'm sharpening it up, which is what counts!

Not much more planned for this week. Well, except for reading a bit and sharing the cover wherever I can. lol. :D

Well, see ya later!

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