
Saturday, 25 June 2011

SMOKIN' SEVENTEEN by Janet Evanovich

Break out a cold drink and slap on some sunscreen, because everyone's favourite bounty hunter Stephanie Plum is going to warm up your winter in her next adventure SMOKIN' SEVENTEEN!

Where there's smoke there's fire, and no one knows this better than New Jersey bounty hunter, Stephanie Plum. The bail bonds office has burned to the ground, and bodies are turning up in the empty construction lot. To make matters worse, Stephanie is working out of a motor home she shares with a dancing bear, and Joe Morelli's old world grandmother has declared a vendetta against her. And just when Stephanie decides it might be time to choose between the two men in her life, Morelli and Ranger, a third man from Stephanie's past moves back to Trenton...

The Stephanie Plum series is one of my favourites. It's always a lot of fun, and the latest addition to the series had me laughing as much as the others.

Stephanie's a bond enforcement agent, which is risky business and at the moment--since they don't actually have an office--it's also a little slow. So when someone decides to use the lot where the bail bonds office used to stand as a dumping ground for dead bodies, a new police investigation buzzes around Stephanie. What first appears to be one body, soon turns into more. And before too long, the killer starts to personally address the bodies to Stephanie.

If this isn't bad enough, Stephanie and Lula have to deal with an old man who's convinced he's a vampire, another who can't seem to keep his clothes on, and a dancing bear makes an appearance too. Her love life isn't any better either, she's still caught between Morelli and Ranger. She just can't make up her mind. So when Morelli's crazy grandmother curses her with the vordo she starts to have trouble focusing on anything but 'catching up' with both guys. ;)

Add a motor home serving as their temporary office, Mooner (the owner of the mobile home, who acts as if he's living on another planet), the criminal Nick Alpha who wants to kill Stephanie for what she did to his brother, a woman who's determined to run her over, a man who's very quickly becoming a cooking stalker, and you've got yourself a lot of crazy ingredients thrown into this insane salad of hilarity.

Smokin' Seventeen is another hilarious, awesome Stephanie Plum story. Just when you think her life can't get any more complicated--or bizarre--you get stuck into the latest book and quickly start to realise it can get a lot worse. Which is bad for Steph, but great for the reader.

Poor Stephanie goes through a lot in this book, and one of her biggest problems is the man her mother is trying to fix her up with, lol.

I love this series. Bring on the eighteenth book!

Smokin' Seventeen: Stephanie Plum #17, July 2011, ISBN 9780755384891, Headline Fiction Paperback

M&SRC books read: 16/12

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